"Pennies From Heaven" is a popular American song introduced by Bing Crosby in a 1936 movie of the same name. In one musical rendition of the song, two actors are seen gracefully and elegantly dancing in the street under a cascade of pennies while singing "Every time it rains, it rains pennies from heaven."
The most effective methodology for dealing with any circumstance that you view as negative is to associate it with something else that you view as positive. If you are not a farmer or living through a drought, you probably don't enjoy dealing with rain. In this movie, however, rain is associated with free cash from heaven which produces dancing instead of groaning. Similarly, whatever circumstances you encounter that are or appear to be impossible for you to change can be recharacterized. Focus instead on a positive corollary that you know will definitely occur or is scheduled to occur. Doing so will blunt the negativity of circumstances over which you have little or no control.
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December 2020