The number of priests who have been killed, and/or demonized, has reached epic proportions, not only because they are being blackmailed into keeping silent, but also, because they are full of fear. They fear the consequences of past actions, they fear the future consequences of their current actions, and they fear the unknown God. If you are one of those who is full of fear, you need only ask God to remove the spirit of fear from every part of your head, neck and body, and cast it into the abyss for all eternity, and all eternities, and all eternities combined.
If you have engaged in past actions that cause you to feel ashamed, embarrassed, or fearful of legal consequences, you should ask the Holy Spirit that is in you to confess to God every sin you have ever committed. Do so in the language of the spirit, and from the heart. If you speak in English, or in your native tongue, the entire world will hear your confession. However, if you focus on your heart while speaking in the language of the spirit (the language of sounds), everything you say will be between you and God. The Lord God Almighty is a God of forgiveness. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
In days gone by, priests and pastors had a calling to preach the Word of God. No one would ever dare to go into the ministry without having been called by God to deliver a message to his people, or to any who would become his people. Today, it is the devil and his cohorts who call people into the ministry, solely for the purpose of undermining the Word of God.
They have demons tell people that they need to preach "the word" and they ensure that these individuals get excellent grades in seminary. The demons then find them the perfect position, in the ideal church. Mosques and synagogues are not at risk, because they know better than to hire someone with a demon in their solar plexus. They know it means that the person no longer is in control of their mind. However, churches seem to have an affinity for demonized preachers who have the correct intonation, and can preach without having to breathe. The next time you see a new priest or pastor in your church, you should ask them whether or not they have a solar plexus. If they do, you have crossed the first hurdle. However, if they do not have a solar plexus, it means that they are a demon from hell who died recently (perhaps within the last ten to twenty years), and who was brought back to the earth as a spirit. In that case, their body would appear to be exactly the same, if they were in their twenties or thirties when they died, or significantly younger, if they were older. However, Satan's common practice is to age the spirit so that the person would look almost exactly as they did when they were murdered, which often is the case. If the priest or pastor has a solar plexus, you should ask whether or not they have a demon in the solar plexus. If they do, you should run helter skelter out of the church. A demon in the solar plexus means that their mind no longer is in control. The demon now controls their every move. If they do not have a demon in their solar plexus, your next question is whether they have either the Vital Signs Monitor, or the mark of the beast. If they have either, you should know that either their frontal brain has been deactivated, or their entire brain (less the brain stem) has been deactivated. In rare instances, the perpetrators will keep the brain active for a period of time, in order to lure others into taking the Vital Signs Monitor. A person who has taken the mark of the beast, or whose brain has been deactivated in whole or in part is not a child of God, and should never be allowed into the pulpit of a church. They undoubtedly would be preaching the word of Satan, not the Word of God, regardless of how polished they appear to be. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you know that you do not have either the faith, or the power needed to confront an enemy combatant, your only recourse is to focus on your solar plexus, and pray in the language of the spirit with every ounce of energy that is in you.
You do yourself a disservice if you seek to behead a demon, knowing that you are full of fear and trepidation. The Lord God Almighty is a God of cautious interaction. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Ethers are very unique from one planet to another. Someone from a different planet may look the same physically, but the ether inside of their body is usually very different. Some planets have a strong ether, such that their inhabitants cannot be harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally. Other planets have an ether that can become subject to the earth's ether.
If you are dealing with an entity who appears to be indestructible, the safest route is to send the spirit back to its "home." "Home" may be another planet, it may be another part of the earth that is unknown, or it may be the abyss. If the entity's home is the abyss, you know that you are dealing with a demon from hell. If you pray in the language of the spirit, from the heart, the indwelling Holy Spirit will know precisely how to deal with each entity. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When planetary visits become common practice, two things will need to occur. First, we will need to open up the interstitial highway, and second, we will need to create self-propelled aircrafts that are powered by solar energy. Otherwise, they will never be able to hold sufficient fuel to be able to traverse the distance between planets.
Current plans for interplanetary travel often include vacation packages. However, unless you are able to see extremely well in the realm of the spirit, a trip to Mars will be anything other than a vacation. It will be a sweltering encounter with spirit beings. It also will be a sweltering encounter with demons, as Mars now has a full array of demons from hell. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai In only a few short years, interplanetary vacations will become a stark reality. You should know that in virtually every other planet in this universe, everyone has a spirit but no body. The only reason that the earth has a body, and that its people have bodies, is the ingenuity of the Lord God Father in Heaven, who devised a methodology by which individuals can become visible when they enter into the earth's ether.
A baby in the womb is a spirit encased in a fluid that enables it to be seen by individuals outside of the womb. In the same way, individuals in other planets can see into the earth and witness the miracle of the earth's physicality. The earth is essentially a womb that preserves life, and enables flowing movement. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai There are a long list of illnesses that are caused, at least in part, by *sunlight" from satellites. One of the most dangerous diseases is skin cancer. Other illnesses include scoliosis, skin moles, cataracts, Cushing Syndrome, epilepsy, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. While these illnesses and diseases may not all be a direct result of satellite rays, they all are indirectly caused and exacerbated by satellite rays. Almost all of them can be significantly improved by spending a few hours each week in the "real" sunlight.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Most people would never use a blanket in the summer months, but blankets are an ideal cover at any time of the year, and in any season. When you use a blanket to cover you during the winter months, the heat being generated causes the body to remain cool. However, when you use a blanket during the summer, it helps to detoxify the kidneys. If the blanket is wool, the kidneys could be completely detoxified in two to three nights.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the sun is shining, virtually everyone is happy, because the sun's rays are of a type that stimulates certain hormonal secretions. It is virtually impossible to feel depressed when the sun is shining. However, there are different types of sunshine, and different types of rays.
When the sunshine is the natural rays from the Lord God Almighty, the ether is happy. And when the sunshine emanates from a satellite that emits sun-like rays, the energy is such that the ether is annoyed. It is these rays that cause sunburn, and it is these rays that cause skin cancer. It also is these rays that cause a long list of other skin-related ailments. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are a Holy Spirit Of God, you are the person who tells the planet how to be healed, sealed, and reconnected to God, after the Messiah has cleansed the sin. You tell them how to receive God's indwelling Holy Spirit, how to remain pure, how to be sealed, when and how to be raptured, as well as how to be cleansed of every demon, every principality, every ruler, every authority, and everything that keeps you separated from eternity. There is only one Holy Spirit Of God for every planet in every universe, and one Holy Spirit for every universe.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Lord God Almighty blinks twice, it is because he needs to know that what he is seeing is real. He blinked twice when he saw that Satan had succeeded in implanting the mark of the beast into some of the most intelligent, sophisticated, and socially significant individuals on the planet, including heads of state. He told them that the implant was not the actual mark of the beast, it was merely a device to monitor their vital functions in the event of an emergency.
The Lord God Almighty promised that even if Satan were to kill them, he would endeavor to raise them back to life. However, they chose the devil's promise of eternal life. They no longer have a frontal lobe, and if the demon that talks for them and walks them were to be beheaded, they would be silent and immobile. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai There is a saying that one can be penny wise and pound foolish. When we eat what has been provided to us, without regard to investing in the future, we are being pound foolish. The Lord God Almighty knows that many people believe that thinking about the future is to be avoided, and that having savings or investments is unbiblical. However, when you know that the millennial reign of Christ is to be one thousand years, you know that you will need long term investments.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Being in the same room with someone who is a demon is to be avoided at all costs. Having a meeting with a demon from hell at the head of the table is idolatrous. The Lord God Almighty is a God of penitence. The Lord God Almighty is a God of repentance.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Lord God Almighty decides that it is time to put an end to a prevailing practice, the ether will do everything necessary in order to bring an end to that practice. Not only will the ether raise the issue repeatedly until it is dealt with, the ether also will cause the issue to be examined from everyone's perspective. When the correct solution is reached, it is only a matter of time before the ether will ensure that it is implemented. When it is implemented, the ether will expect immediate compliance.
One of the most significant issues that demands immediate attention is the issue of incest in families with young children. For the Lord God Almighty's perspective on this issue, read today's Blog on The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai This is the third Blog on this issue, and yet there are individuals who are in the millennial kingdom of God, who have been chosen, who have pledged to obey only the commands of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and yet are steeped in the foulness of defiance. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth.
Stop whatever you are doing, and ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God to tell you whether you are one of those individuals who is steeped in the energy of defiance. If you are, take the reins now, and point your spirit toward obedience. The Lord God Almighty will meet you at the turning point. The Lord God Almighty will himself take the reins, and lead you toward obedience. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you come to the point at which you recognize defiance, your only response should be to tame it, to take its reins and point it toward obedience. If you see defiance, and you allow it to blossom, you have taken the first wrong turn toward eternal damnation. The Lord God Almighty is a God of redemption.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The morale of every story that is told in the Bible is that God expects defiance to the principles of universality, until obedience is learned. Only through defiance does one come to the realization that true redemption, true peace, true latitude, and true love are possible only in obedience. Defiance teaches one to know God, in ways that obedience could never fathom. Defiance is never different, it always takes the same course, and ends either in death, or in life eternal.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth. The truth is that there is a relationship that needs care in the kingdom of God, and no one seems to care. The two who must care are the two who are involved in the relationship. If they don't care, then the relationship must end. If they care, they have two days to show me that they do indeed care.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Whenever you have a change in the energy frequency of the brain, you are likely to lose consciousness, not only because of the brain body connection, but also because the brain can function only within a limited frequency range. Being radiated in the head causes that frequency to change, and the person may not regain consciousness until they are no longer being radiated.
If you suspect that someone has been radiated in the head and brain, the first and most important thing you can do for them is to remove the radiation from the brain by praying in the language of the spirit, and from the heart. They are likely to regain consciousness almost immediately, and should be encouraged to stand. If they are in the millennial kingdom of God, they should avoid going into an ambulance. Nor should they allow themselves to be taken to a hospital. Most importantly, they should ensure that they are still sealed and raptured by praying in the language of the spirit, from the heart. If they are concerned about the fall, they should try to remain awake for a couple of nights. They also should avoid coffee, and all sugars except caramel. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai One of the most profound aspects of human relationships is that what you do to others, you do to yourself. The ether in the bodies of all humans is directly connected, and connects them to each other. If one person suffers, then all persons who caused or participated in the suffering must also suffer. They may not suffer in exactly the same manner, but they are compelled to participate in the consequences.
There are many people who see the ether very clearly. They witness the suffering of millions of people worldwide. God has asked that everyone pray when they look at the ether, not only so as to alert the Lord God Almighty, but also to end the suffering. Only a very small number of people have been praying when they watch the ether. The others have given their power to the devil to use against the kingdom of God. The Lord God Almighty has determined that unless the children of God begin to express some measure of gratitude for the kingdom of God, and feel a compulsion to obey its precepts, it will be impossible for him to seal the doors to the kingdom. Each person who is in the millennial kingdom should ask the indwelling Holy Spirit the following question, "Is there anything that I have done, or failed to do, that hinders the Lord God Almighty's ability to seal the kingdom?" Then ask, "What can I do to change the circumstances, so that the kingdom's doors can be sealed?" The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The ether is not necessarily the air that surrounds you. It also is the air inside of your body, and inside of each organ in your body. When the ether in your body reeks of righteousness, the ether outside of you can no longer penetrate, unless you allow it.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai In the coming weeks, if you begin to hear unrestrained weeping and noisy cries, it is because those who have refused to enter into God's kingdom have suddenly come to the realization that they no longer can remain on the earth. They will come to understand that entering into God's kingdom was the equivalent of accepting his gift of life for all eternity, if you are in the millennial kingdom, and for this eternity, if you are in the eternal kingdom.
This eternity can mean one thousand years if you do everything the Lord God Almighty commands you to do. The only difference is that those in the eternal kingdom will need to face judgment at the end of a thousand years, while those in the millennial kingdom will traverse from one eternity to another. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Principalities are generally formed when the ether in a person is thickened by sin and by transgressions. The principality becomes a blockage to the flow of God's energy. If God's energy cannot flow, dysfunction begins to take place in the cells. The principality can range from pain and distress to an outright breakdown in cell function.
Whenever principalities occur, the easiest and quickest method of destroying them is to call them by name and to command them to disintegrate, to melt, or to dissipate. Common principalities are ether blockers only because they never allow the energy of God to flow through them. They are resistant to change. Human beings can become principalities in God's kingdom. When they do, the only hope for moving forward is to remove them. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the kingdom doors are ready to be closed, the Lord God Almighty will ask the ether to identify those whose ether shows them to be completely surrendered to the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. They will be individuals who have never said "no" to God, though some may have said "maybe." They will have surrendered their entanglement with sin, having come to an acknowledgement of the fact that sin corrupts and corrodes the body.
Not one of them will have committed adultery, and they will have cleansed their tongues so that they no longer speak lies. They will be considered virgins by the Lord God Almighty, because their impure connections will have been cleansed. Not one of them will have spoken a single word of blasphemy against the Lord God Holy Spirit Of God, and every one of them, at one point or another, will have said to the Lord God Almighty, "I'm all in." The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Assaulting someone in the head, or in various parts of the body, with the energy from a radiation app is just as criminal as a run-of-the-mill assault and battery. The major difference is that the use of a radiation app, and particularly those with laser radiation, raises the level of criminality to that of assault with a deadly weapon. Thus, we have arrived at the stage at which doctors, CEOs, college students, business professionals, teenagers, elementary school students, the elderly, the infirm, and yes, even lawyers, are daily committing assaults with a deadly weapon.
That law enforcement, particularly police officers, are among those committing these infractions is reason for grave concern. Assault and battery with a deadly weapon is not a crime that should be taken lightly, particularly because millions of Americans are being murdered in cold blood on an annual basis. The law is not malleable such that certain crimes should be ignored, depending on the weapon used. We have sufficient evidence to prove the damage being done by laser radiation weaponry, including the brain bleeds that result from holes in the brain, the blood clots in the lungs, the broken limbs with burns on the bone and holes in the tissue, as well as the countless incidents of spinal deterioration. When someone is brought to a hospital with these increasingly common ailments, an investigation should immediately be commenced. The only individuals who should be permitted to participate in the investigation are individuals who have been properly trained in speaking in the realm of the spirit. The perpetrators should be subject to the same penalty as anyone who has committed assault with a deadly weapon. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
December 2020