When you receive gifts of any kind, it is customary to thank the gift-givers. The Scriptures speak frequently of generosity and gratitude, so today, we thought it would be appropriate to give you an opportunity to be generous. We have begun a project to provide books and materials on religion and spirituality to children in the New York City public schools. Public schools that are under-resourced rely heavily on donated books to supplement their libraries. Because of your generosity, our books not only will become part of school libraries, but also, they will be used in comparative religion courses. Our first donated book, The 21st Century Disciple: A Manifesto For Change, contains a detailed discussion of Judeo-Christian doctrine, and is at least comparable to the materials provided to the students on Judaism and Islam. One book will be donated for each $10 contribution to this project. You can contribute one book, a thousand books, ten thousand books, or more. If you wish to contribute to this project, you can make a direct contribution through the secure PayPal link below. Please write "SCHOOLS" as the subject of the contribution to ensure that it is used for the appropriate project.
Some photos send shivers down one's spine. Others generate laughter, and still others cause the viewer to smile. When photos produce emotion in the viewer, it is a sign that the eyes are connected to the soul, the seat of the emotions. The soul is the part of you that survives into eternity, together with the spirit. When the soul and spirit are alive in God's eternity, you will be able to look back at your life and remember the good things. The bad things also will be recalled, but only as a distant memory, with gratitude for having gone through the experience. Today, the memories are raw and loaded with mixed emotions, but in the tomorrow of the future, they will be healed memories, overlaid with thoughts of gratitude.
The phrase "raise hell" is often used to indicate that a person or group is causing a commotion for the purpose of getting their cause noticed and/or acknowledged. The Lord God Almighty says to you that if you are a disciple of Jesus, are filled with the indwelling Holy Spirit, and are sealed for the day of redemption, it is time to cause a spiritual commotion. It is time to "raise heaven." Stop allowing the devil to do things to you that you know God would never allow. He should have the same degree of respect and reverence for you that he has for God because you have God's Holy Spirit in you. Command his respect. Furthermore, command that he keep a long distance from you, that he turn his back to you so that he can no longer see you, and that he speak to you only in response after you have spoken to him. You probably will never have occasion to speak to him. Let the devil know that you are in control and if necessary, "raise heaven" to ensure that he gets the message and obeys.
Just prior to the siege of Jerusalem in the first century A.D., and subsequent to Jesus' crucifixion, the Scriptures state that God restrained the four winds of heaven by appointing four angels to hold back the winds (Revelation 7:1). He wanted to permit the Holy Spirit of God to convert to the Gospel the hearts of as many people as possible. The four winds were the destructive, evil forces that subsequently devastated the city of Jerusalem. Without God's timely intervention, much fewer than 144,000 "first fruits" of the Gospel would have been redeemed from the twelve tribes of Israel (Revelation 7:1-8; 14:1-5).
Today, God again has been holding back the four winds to prevent the devastation of the earth and its people. The current actions of Satan and his antichrist are relatively minor in comparison to what has been prophesied they will do and accomplish in the coming months. The time has come to closely examine your faith, understand God's call and mission (because everyone has a call from God), and make every effort to be filled and sealed with God's Holy Spirit. Whenever God restrains the four winds, someone whom God has chosen must stand in the gap in order to block the threatened devastation. Whoever stands in the gap is focused on protection, as is appropriate when a mother gives birth to a newborn infant. Just as eventually, that infant must mature to adulthood, so now God has determined that we must go on to maturity, he no longer will hold back the four winds of heaven and, as of today, no one will be standing in the gap. If you are not yet filled with God's indwelling Holy Spirit and wish to be filled, regardless of your religious affiliation or Christian denomination, pray now to receive God's Spirit. Ask God to cleanse you of all impurity, sin and transgression sufficiently to enable you to receive his Holy Spirit. If you have not yet been sealed with the Holy Spirit, or are not certain whether or not you are sealed, pray now that God will seal you. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Pray also for the days ahead, that you will grow in purity, in wisdom and in righteousness, in an understanding of God's gifts to you, in your capacity to share those gifts with others regardless of their faith, and in your knowledge of the power of God. God is love. God is joy. God is peace. Transitioning from death to life is not a normal occurrence in today's world because many of us view death of any kind as a final event. But when our God is alive, death can never be final. That the death of Jesus was not final is proof that our God is fully alive. Satan may contend that life with him is preferable to death with God, but God is not the arbiter of death. Satan is the arbiter of death of any kind, even when it appears on the surface to be life. One of Satan's versions of life does not plunge you into unconsciousness, but rather, into an eternal state of conscious agony. When God gives you life, he gives it abundantly, with joy, gladness, and fullness of heart. The devil may seek to undermine the quality of your life, for a time, but ultimately God's gift of life will fully manifest.
One of the most poignant examples of a resurrection in nature is the planarian, which can regenerate its entire body from a single live cell. Nature thus provides positive confirmation of God's ability to resurrect everyone who truly trusts in him, obeys his commands, and receives his indwelling Holy Spirit. Some who have already transitioned will be resurrected from a state of unconsciousness, and others will be resurrected from their current life into a fullness of life, undefiled by the attacks of the devil. Even if all that is left of you is a single bone fragment, the power of God can resurrect you from the dead. If you are alive when he returns, he can catapult you into a new realm of existence, and into a life that has never before been seen or imagined. God's ability to fulfill his promise of a resurrection, and of eternal life depends on our fulfilling our obligation to do as he commands. If we don't acknowledge him as God and instead, we choose either to follow another god, or to place ourselves on the throne of God, we cannot expect to be resurrected. If we shut the doors of our churches, deny entrance to his Holy Spirit, and block the path of escape for those on the inside of those churches, they cannot expect to be resurrected. Nor can we live in deliberate sin and rebellion for as long as possible, then choose to repent at the last minute, just prior to his return. Such calculated strategizing can never rise to the level of purity of heart necessary for entry into the kingdom of God. Choose now to accept God's gift of a resurrection. Water, when it is going downhill, goes at a fast pace, but if required to go uphill, water loses its momentum and remains at a standstill. It must be pumped in order to force it uphill. Similarly, anything that conforms with the function of chaos theory operates at a much faster pace than in the God dimension of creation. For example, when Jesus was crucified, the process took just a few hours. When he was resurrected from the dead, it took three days.
Anything that is worth having generally requires a waiting period, often accompanied by additional concerted effort. Anything that arrives almost instantaneously and without effort should be suspect. The effort could have occurred in the past, perhaps over a period of decades, but it nonetheless can be deemed to have sourced the reward. Whether the effort is spiritual or physical is also of little import. In fact, spiritual effort often is of greater benefit to society than principally physical effort which tends to yield narrower benefits to relatively few people. Physical effort also flattens out over time, while spiritual effort multiplies exponentially. In the end, when the waiting is finally over and you receive the reward, another period of waiting must commence because fruits of the reward must be planted in order to continue the rewards. When you stop planting, you stop receiving rewards and benefits, and you begin to forfeit God's promises. God's Word promises that his mercies are new every morning, but their capacity to materialize depends on whether you maintain a presence in the planting zone. If you remain in the planting zone, you should expect to have additional waiting periods in accordance with God's perfect timing. One of the worst possible scenarios is one in which a country, a people, or perhaps even an individual is engulfed in an emergency of epic proportions, yet is astutely unaware of the circumstances. I use the word "astutely" to suggest only that they are capable of understanding the circumstances but fail to do so such as would facilitate a planned and coordinated response. It was true just prior to the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem. The Jews had been forewarned, knew the timing of the prophesied invasion, yet continued their daily activities refusing to acknowledge what they knew. It was as though they had made a concerted choice to surrender to the Babylonians long before the invasion occurred.
It also was true during World War II when Germany invaded the Soviet Union. The Soviets were well aware of the German troop buildup, knew the consequences, examined the pros and cons, and made a tactical decision to condone the invasion. The harm suffered far exceeded their expectations. It again was true when the United States bombed Nagasaki. The Japanese had foolproof intelligence that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would occur on the specific days that it occurred. However, they decided that it was in their best interests to succumb to the bombing and use it as a justification for a pre-planned retaliation. They never imagined that nuclear bombs would be used, and as a result, they suffered the consequences for decades. It now is true in regard to the Chinese invasion of the United States, the Soviet Union, Japan, the Caribbean, London, Asia, Africa, Australia and countless other areas of the globe. The world has known that Chinese culture and politics is distinctly at odds with what exists in most of the world. They favor domination instead of freedom, they prefer to be told what to do, and in regard to politics, their brand of communism is more brutal than all other communist countries combined. When called to respond to human rights violations, their standard response is: "You also have violations." Of course, today most of the human rights violations throughout the world are being instigated by China. The issue now is what should be the world's response to the current dilemma. Most governments are under siege, unable to take any significant action or authorize any major policy without China's express consent or approval. Even the United Nations is in a holding pattern in regard to certain aspects of its Sustainable Development Goals because China needs to ensure that the details match China's agenda. Of course, they are completely unaware that they are pandering to China. What should be the world's response? God knew in advance that we would encounter these dire circumstances. He knew that we would need his guidance and his advice. He determined that anyone who could hear his voice could serve as a watchman for his people, to warn them of impending doom. Today, there are nine people in the entire world who can hear the voice of God. They are the only people from whom you should be seeking advice in regard to righteousness. In regard to doctrine, they will tell you that they know and teach only what they were taught. In regard to the timing of the coming Kingdom of God, they will tell you that they are not experts in prophecy. When the ether (the God-sourced energy that embraces us and our world) knows that disaster is imminent, it becomes frantic. It begins to send alerts similar to the emergency sirens on a fire department truck. These alerts can be in the nature of loud cries which are heard from above, or groans heard on a horizontal level deep into the ether's core. One must listen intently in order to hear the ether's loud cries. When the ether has cried for longer than 24 days, it means that unfathomable disaster reigns and will continue to reign until there is relief. There have been only three occasions in history when the ether has cried for longer than 24 days: (1) when the Babylonians invaded Jerusalem; (2) when Jesus was crucified; and (3) the current siege of the earth and its people. The ether has been crying and groaning for 101 days. The groans and cries will continue for another 408 days. The Scriptures state that when the ether begins to cry, we must begin to pray for God's intervention, his mercy, his truth, and his wisdom. Only God can stop the ether from crying, forgive the evils committed when we seek his forgiveness, and set us on a straight path. It may take many more days and much more evil before the earth earnestly begins to repent. It may take more denials of economic freedom, and the financial ruin of more countries, cities, and corporate entities. It may take more sieges of government operations and denial of sovereignty. It may take more beheadings of babies, and more murders of innocent men, women and children. It also may take more denials of religious freedoms, and basic human rights. But eventually, the earth will repent, and the Kingdom of God will be established. Solution-oriented prayer involves not only speaking to God, but also listening carefully to his response. God speaks to us through his Word, and through the people he appoints. In times of turmoil and under emergency conditions, God speaks directly in the same voice that he spoke to Moses and to his prophets. In times of emergency, it is absolutely critical that we hear God's voice and his precise instructions. He cannot convey those emergency instructions through vessels that are clogged with sin and immorality. Sin renders us equivalent to a clogged drain through which water cannot flow. God speaks through us most effectively when we are fully cleansed vessels, spiritually and physically. A cleansed vessel is a perfect conduit for the voice of God and anyone who seeks to be a conduit for God must desire perfection.
If you are confident that whenever you pray you always listen for God's immediate response, and if you know that you desire to be a perfect conduit for the voice of God, then you are probably safe in disregarding any who claim to be relaying instructions from God. On the contrary, if none of the above is true, you owe it to yourself to investigate very carefully any such instructions so that you can make an informed decision as to whether or not you should comply. Otherwise, when God's instructions are that you should "flee to the mountains" you will be going downstream in a rowboat. Only the indwelling Holy Spirit can fill the void in our hearts and lives, and only the unadulterated Word of God can fully satisfy our spiritual needs.
Just as cellulite is supposed to begin to melt when you walk into a hot steam room at the health club, especially if you stand near the steam vent, so evil spirits are supposed to take fight when you begin to repent of evil practices. The fire of the Holy Spirit becomes unbearable.
Some Scriptures state that no one knows the day or the hour of the coming Kingdom of God. Others state that God always warns his people of impending doom. In the Book of Genesis, because of his close relationship with God, Noah knew the approximate timing of the coming flood that devastated the earth and was able to prepare over a period of 100 years. He then was told by God that he had seven days to enter the arc he had built. Similarly, the Messiah's return initially will be a rescue operation because of the devastation of the earth. Disciples of Jesus will need to enter into a different realm of existence in order to be rescued. God expects us to be listening intently for his guidance so that we can be appropriately prepared, as was Noah.
The devil would like everyone to maintain the status quo so that no one is prepared when the Messiah arrives. Therefore, he keeps everyone focused on the notion that no one knows or will know the day or the hour of the Messiah's return. Because we have been waiting for two thousand years, a spirit of complacency has set in. The book of Joel states that when the time draws near, churches and places of worship should begin all night prayers and everyone should enter a state of urgent repentance, yet no one has begun all night prayers, and in regard to sin and transgression, the status quo multiplied by ten prevails. Common sense should alert us to the fact that special preparation is the norm for every occasion of import. Whether it is a basic birthday celebration, a special guest visiting our home, a graduation ceremony, or a wedding, we always do more to prepare than we would under ordinary circumstances. The Scriptures expect that at a minimum, everyone will be filled and sealed with the indwelling Holy Spirit, and cleansed to a point that will facilitate the entry into God's kingdom when the Messiah returns. Yet, even in churches, virtually no one has the indwelling Holy Spirit. Many of those who have been filled and sealed with the Holy Spirit fail to pray regularly so as to remove the devil's contamination. Accordingly, they are not increasing in power, and remain sealed at a very low level. Note that God will be incapable of rescuing you from the coming devastation unless you exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees, unless you have in your solar plexus a blazing inferno. He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the inhabitants of this earth, to the disciples of Jesus, and to the sealed men and women of God. When the forces of hell command you to do something and you do it, you are mastering evil, because it is impossible to continue to do evil and not become an expert in evil; moreover, you cannot expect that on the return of Christ you will have achieved the degree of spiritual perfection necessary for entry into the Kingdom of God.
All is well with your soul when you love God with all of it, which means that there is no black mark anywhere on the soul. They all have been removed through urgent repentance, and by receiving God's forgiveness. All is well with your spirit when you love God with all your strength, which means that you do everything you can to avoid all evil thoughts, evil words or evil actions. All is well with your heart when you are appalled at everything and anything that might dishonor your God, and you use all the powers and gifts available to you to fix anything or any circumstance that might cause others to think evil of him, or to conclude that he is visiting any evil on someone. God is love and he does not engage in any evil whatsoever. If you observe any negative situation or circumstance, or anything that you would consider evil, know with certainty that God is not the author. All is well with your mind when you maintain only thoughts that are positive, and you discard any negative, evil or unhappy thoughts because you know that God wants you to rejoice and be happy everyday.
Today is unlike any other day because each day is unique and has the imprint of the Father in heaven. Therefore, each day can be a day of rejoicing if we hold fiercely to his plans for our lives, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. Glorify God in each day and choose to make it a day of rejoicing.
Glow worms are the larvae of fireflies, but other organisms are also referred to as glow worms in their adult state. In the larvae stage, glow worms will die if their light is extinguished and cannot be regenerated. Humans also will not survive without the light of God's Holy Spirit to power their existence.
A few years ago, there was an exhibit at the Museum of Natural History in New York City that highlighted the issue of bioluminescence in various insects and organisms. The fireflies were the most interesting. Apparently a chemical is produced in their lower abdomen that interacts with enzymes and other chemicals to produce light. Glow worms are the larvae for fireflies and they also produce bioluminescence.
It seems that the devil and his angels have been engaged in extensive genetic research focused on programming certain human genes to facilitate the production of light. Thus, when you observe certain individuals in the spirit realm, they appear luminescent, so as to mimic the light that radiates from a person with the indwelling Holy Spirit of God. However, they merely have been genetically programmed to produce light in the cells of the body. They are human fireflies. Bioluminescence in fireflies and glow worms is drastically different from the luminescence generated by the indwelling Holy Spirit. The luminescence of the Holy Spirit is a natural light, it is not chemically generated. It is most evident when the cells of the body are free of spiritual and physical contaminants that can block the light of God. When someone is free of sin (having cleansed their body and brain of every evil thought, word or action), and is seeking to live at the highest standards of righteousness, the cleansed cells become transparent. Thus, the light of the Holy Spirit in the solar plexus shines into and through all the cells and surrounds the body. The body appears as a ball of light when viewed in the spirit realm. Eventually, the light frequency increases to the point that it no longer is humanly visible in the spirit realm, although the person can be seen in the physical realm. They also can be seen in the heavenly realm. When God can see you in his ether, you truly are in the kingdom of God. A mother of fraternal or non-identical twins is to be greatly admired. She must traverse a middle road between two independent humans, both of whom have the same or similar needs and are demanding of her attention, her gifts, and her sustenance, sometimes simultaneously. Twins are different from siblings with different birthdays. They generally have a strong unbreakable bond, they frequently demand to be seen as independent of the other, and yet, they appear to be inseparable. In contrast, other siblings are presumptively viewed as being independent of the other.
Being a twin nation is similar to being a human twin. Twin nations do not on the surface appear to be inseparable, but they often have an unbreakable bond. When Isaac (son of Abraham) and his wife Rebekah were expecting twins (Jacob and Esau), God told Rebekah that the twins represent two jostling nations (Genesis 25:19-26). We know that Jacob, the younger of the twins, was renamed Israel and had twelve sons who became the twelve tribes of Israel, most of whom are now scattered throughout the world. Esau despised his birthright as the older twin and relinquished it in exchange for a single meal (Genesis 25:27-34). What many in the world do not realize is that those who now occupy the land of Israel are primarily the descendants of Esau. That they now occupy the land of Israel does not make them Jews. That Esau was a son of Isaac and Rebekah, and the twin brother of Jacob (Israel), does not make them Jews. The true Jews are the sons of Jacob whom God renamed Israel. God has given the current occupants of the land of Israel life through his indwelling Holy Spirit, in the same way that he has given the light of life by his Holy Spirit to descendants of Jacob, and to others. As did Esau, they can despise their birthright in exchange for a single meal, or for gold and silver. The true Jews always will be those who live in accordance with the standards set forth by the God of all creation (Romans 2:29; Revelation 3:7-11). When a door is locked or blocked, few people would seek to forcefully reopen it. When a door is locked in the spiritual realm, no one dares to open it. It is a signal that Satan has dishonored the person seeking entrance. He has sent a message that he no longer holds them in high esteem. This demotion can occur either because they have discredited someone in Satan's line of authority by disobeying an order, or because he no longer needs their services, or so he would like them to believe. The truth is that he blocks the door spiritually when he desperately needs someone to believe that he provided them with whatever is on the other side of the door--a home, an office, or a renovated portion thereof. He thus appropriates the right to grant or deny entrance.
It may seem incomprehensible that someone would accede that they are incapable of entering through a physical door because it is locked in the spiritual realm. However, when a spirit has been programmed to believe that it cannot accomplish a task, removing that programming is extremely difficult. Thus, when the brain of the spirit has been led to believe that the door is locked, the belief will be as effective a deterrent to physical entry as a physical wall. Walls are not real, whether they manifest in the physical or in the spiritual realm. They exist only to the extent that we have been led to believe that they exist. If you are facing a wall or a locked door, see the obstacle in your mind's eye. With intentionality, make a large sign of the cross on it. Enter in the will of God! Second helpings are appropriate only after you have completed the first helping and are left wanting. You can stop and remain unfulfilled, or you can return again and again and continue to consume until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your heart.
Not many people understand the meaning and purpose of the crucifixion of Jesus. Some believe it was unnecessarily cruel that God would insist that Jesus be subject to crucifixion and death. They recall with compassion his plaintive New Testament plea to God, "Is there any other way to accomplish your purposes?" Others believe that Jesus merely fainted on the cross and was later revived, or regained consciousness while lying in the tomb. Irrespective of your beliefs about the cross and the crucifixion of Jesus, know with certainty that it is only through death that we can gain life to the full.
As an example, a parasite generally is destroyed when the host dies. Adam and Eve were rendered hosts to Satan's parasitic spiritual energies. The transgression in the Garden of Eden was of such a profound magnitude, and caused such irreversible corruption in the human spirit, that only in death could Adam and Eve and all of humanity be made whole. Only in death could the corruption in their spiritual DNA be excised. In death, the indwelling Holy Spirit can then selectively give new life to the spiritual parts of us that are of God. As of now, while everyone is born subject to spiritual death, the death will not occur until the final judgment when souls must give an account for their lives. In the meantime, we can repent, seek God's forgiveness, and thereby avoid spiritual death. Because Jesus did not commit any sin or transgression of spiritual law, when he went into hell after his crucifixion and preached redemption to the prisoners of hell, hell had no power to hold him. His freedom was mandated. He was free and immune to death. He thus became the spiritual fix for the human DNA; the fix with the capacity to render others immune to hell and spiritual death. Appropriating the fix involves a deliberate choice to voluntarily put to death the things of the devil, including all negative spiritual energies such as hatred, arrogance, pride, immorality, greed, debauchery, slander, deception, gossip, betrayal, envy, jealousy, lust, and the thoughts that accompany them. We then receive the indwelling Holy Spirit and rely on him to give new life to the parts of us that are of God including love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, truth, and self-control. We experience true life. When the fire is almost extinguished in a fireplace, smoldering embers remain. Smoldering embers can be stoked so that you once again have a full roaring fire in the fireplace. You stoke them by adding paper and more wood. You then fan the fire so as to increase the intensity. If there are no embers, you have to begin a new fire. A person's solar plexus (located just above the stomach) can be cold, dark and empty, it can have smoldering embers, it can have small, medium or large flames, or it can be a blazing inferno. If you look deep into your solar plexus in the spiritual realm, you can observe the intensity of the fire. When the solar plexus becomes a blazing inferno, the earth will be under your feet because you will have obeyed God's command to subdue it. Whatever the condition of your solar plexus, there is a methodology for transforming it into a blazing inferno.
Two things are critical to generating a blazing inferno in the solar plexus. First, one must acknowledge that there is absolutely no human methodology for infusing spiritual light into the solar plexus. Only the Holy Spirit of God can light the solar plexus and produce the start of a spiritual fire. The Holy Spirit must be invited into the heart/solar plexus. When someone prays a prayer of invitation, they must believe in and expect to see a transformation in their dark, cold and empty solar plexus. They must know that the Holy Spirit has indeed taken occupancy. The Holy Spirit always will respond and will take occupancy when a person's heart is sufficiently surrendered. Second, the fire of the Holy Spirit can be stoked and increased in intensity by deliberately and methodically repenting of sin. A heart that is continuously repenting of sin feeds the fire of the Holy Spirit in the same way that wood and paper can feed a natural fire. Repentance must be deliberate, in that you must make a conscious decision not to think, say or do things that have negative spiritual energy, or that you know are anathema to purity and righteousness. If the thought, speech or action is about, or is directed toward someone, a perfect standard for judging its degree of righteousness is to ask whether you would be happy to be the recipient of such thoughts, speech or actions. You can transform your way of being by repenting of every sin and transgression, until the fire in your solar plexus becomes a blazing inferno, roaring and consuming with vengeance for all eternity. And keep it roaring! When you hail a cab, there are many ways of letting the driver know your destination. You can tell him the destination prior to entering the cab. You can tell him subsequent to entering the cab. You can merely give him your general direction without identifying the specific address of your destination until you have almost arrived. Thus, some cab drivers know the destination at the beginning of the journey. Others learn the specific destination along the route, or at the end of the journey. Relationships with God are similar to hailing cabs. Some religions have a detailed map and destination point at the beginning of the journey, others learn the destination along the route, and still others learn it at the end of the journey. Most significantly, all of them can take illegal turns, wrong turns, and/or get lost along the journey, prior to arriving at the destination.
Pulling a ring off your finger is a relatively simple matter, especially if you recently put it on, however, if the ring is on a ripened peach, it could be quite messy trying to remove it. Similarly, when you are spiritually strong and resilient, it is much easier to cast off unwanted habits than if you are spiritually soft and out of shape.
Some individuals gain comfort from wallowing in self pity, or feeling sorry for themselves and their circumstances. The truth is that wallowing in pity is not necessarily a bad thing. It enables us to take stock of our circumstances and determine what feels bad about it, what feels good about it, and whether we wish to move to another level. If we decide that we want to be elevated, the easiest next step is to create a plan of action. We first make a list of all the things we would like to see at the next level. We then create a plan for how to achieve each item on the list, and beginning with item number one, we begin the movement. It takes one day to be elevated from self pity and self doubt to the level of planned positive action. It also takes one day to plunge deeper into despair. God prefers that you choose planned positive action.
Each human being has a solar plexus which is in the middle of the chest just above the stomach. When an embryo is in the womb, the first part to be formed is the solar plexus. It is the receptacle for the human spirit which enters at conception and proceeds to direct the process of human development. As the fetus develops, the spirit transmits into the solar plexus the memory of Eden that all human spirits have, because they all are descended from Adam and Eve.
The memory of Eden is a memory of an idyllic life in which the forces of hell are kept at a distance, and humans have an opportunity to explore their humanity without consequences. They can make mistakes as they grow and develop, and they have the opportunity to erase those mistakes as if they never existed, and recreate the excised portions. When Satan tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, he gave them a half truth--that they could know good and evil. However, they already knew good and evil because they had the wisdom of God and were obedient to spiritual laws. The difference is that they did not suffer consequences. Thus, he promised to give them what they already had. In accepting Satan's gift, they were required to also accept his consequences. The most cruel and cunning exchange is one in which you sell someone something that already belongs to them, secretly knowing that your sale price, though handsomely presented, is death in disguise. Imagine giving your life to purchase something that you did not realize you already owned. Satan tried to convince Jesus to enter into the same contract. He promised to give Jesus a kingdom if he would bow down and worship him. Jesus knew that God already had promised him a kingdom, so he promptly refused Satan's gift. History does not have to repeat itself if we take note of its lessons. History's purpose is to warn so that we do not need to repeat the mistakes of the past. Satan is having far more success selling the same stolen goods to modern humans than he did with Jesus, and the price tag is just as high. He tells them that if they bow down and worship him, he will give them eternal life. They know that they already have a promise of eternal life from God. However, he tells them that his "gift" is free in that no obedience to spiritual principles is necessary. You can lie, murder and steal and be subject to rampant greed, yet still have eternal life. You can betray every friendship and still have eternal life. And ultimately, you can live a life of debauchery, addiction and immorality and yet have eternal life. The earth is groaning in pain under the weight of sin, and many cannot imagine it surviving intact for much longer, if the current circumstances continue. Yet Satan has convinced them to accept an eternity living under the same or worse conditions than currently exist on the earth. If you genuinely want eternal life, be sure to examine the fine print of the contract prior to signing it. If it tries to offer you something that God already has freely given you, beware. If it states that the reward is freedom from God, beware. If it indicates that you can have more than God has offered, beware. Your solar plexus knows the truth about the Garden of Eden. It knows that the only eternal contract that is worth having is the one that comes from the God of creation, El Elohim. |
December 2020