El Elohim is the Father in heaven, the Lord God of the universe, the Creator, the one who is and was and is to come, the beginning and the end. He reigns in all the planets of the universe. Amen.
When you have been hit by something, most people would develop a welt on the skin surface in the area of the injury. Spiritual welts also exist when you have experienced an emotional injury. Getting rid of spiritual welts is a difficult process. It also is extremely time consuming. The best methodology for doing so is to ask the Lord God Almighty to remove every spiritual welt from your soul in one encounter. A soul that is free of spiritual welts is joyful, peaceful, faithful, compassionate, zealous, kind, fruitful, and self-controlled. Against such things there is no law.
The Lord God Almighty reigns in all the universes and on all the planets.
When you are ten years old, you believe that you can conquer the world. Whatever you are told is possible, you believe it is possible. For you, nothing is impossible. The world functions in the way it was designed to function. The idea that God exists is, to you, absolute truth. Then come the teenage years when you begin to question everything, even the existence of God. These are the years during which our churches need to provide answers to the very fundamental questions of the Christian faith, answers that are true, honest and sustainable.
Universal law is the law that governs the functioning of the universe. When the universes were created, universal law already existed. When God called land out of the sea, that land was governed by universal law. When he formed man from the dust of the earth, humans became subject to universal law. When he formed the second Adam in the womb of Mary, she no longer was subject to universal law. That is because perfection was in her womb.
Universal law is governed by several principles, one of which is destiny. Destiny states that there is nothing that happens that is not caused. It also states that the cause is never what we imagine it to be because the cause may have occurred light years ago. The cause may also have benefited numerous people, or negatively affected numerous people over the course of several generations. You may be one of several people to have benefited or been harmed. You also may be the only person who can solve the problem, if harm was caused. If a benefit occurred, you may be the last person to receive it. If an event occurs anywhere in the world, the spirits responsible for the cause are generally the ones affected. An event that is negative may have a broader effect than one that is positive. When events occur that seem to have no root cause, the cause may be hidden in a previous generation. Even when the cause appears to be clear, there may be additional causal events that are unseen. Additionally, there may be events that contribute to the causes. A listing of all potential causal events would be unduly complex. They also would be encyclopedic in content. However, some of the main causes for major events will be listed so that we can begin to take back control of our world. First, famine is one of the most catastrophic events. It occurs when the ether in the area of the famine has been contaminated with poisonous substances. Such substances can include ethereal fluid that is leaked from the body when someone has been heavily radiated. The fluid blocks the smooth flow of nutritional energy into the affected area. Anger also can block the flow of nutritional energy into a city, a state or a household. A second devastating event is a flood. Floods occur when the ether in an area is full of tears. It may seem simplistic to suggest that trauma in an area that results in tears can cause flooding. However, the ethereal body is very closely aligned with the ether in the atmosphere. Flooding in the body caused by overwhelming emotion produces a similar reaction in the ether. A third devastating event is volcanic activity. This is caused when the people in the area have a desire for self-governance that does not align with spiritual law. The volcanic action unplugs the ether so as to resume its smooth flow. A fourth devastating event is economic ruin. It may take the form of bankruptcy, stock market crashes, or similar events. These occur as a result of greed and impenitence. The greed and impenitence may be original to the person or to the area, relevant to family and other relationships, or fabricated. When greed and impenitence is fabricated, it usually is done by experts in universal law who use computer and other technology to create the fabrication for the purpose of destroying a nation, a city or a person. For example, the negative energy of greed and impenitence was placed in the ether above Greece, presumably for the purpose of destroying the nation economically. The same ether exists over much of Africa and the Caribbean. This generally is done for the purpose of thwarting the works of God and promoting the works of Satan. The ether over China was changed in or about 1986 so as to achieve the opposite effect, and it matches the ether over Israel. The ether over the United States of America already had been changed, but prayer and fasting caused it to revert back to its original state. A fifth devastating event is plague and illness which results from greed that enslaves a people. The corrupting effect of the slavery poisons the consumers of the produced product or service. A sixth and final devastating event is wasting which results from an inability to feel gratitude. Whatever is accumulated is quickly scattered. This too can be fabricated to achieve the result. El Elohim The God Of Creation When there is a vote on something significant, we generally ask for all in favor to say "aye" thus indicating their approval. Whether or not you agree with everything stated in today's guest post on our GLOBAL EMERGENCIES Blog, I believe that after reading it, you will have a compulsion to say "aye." Read the post titled Winter by Mr. Salman bin Abdulaziz by going to the URL http://www.RebekahIsaac.info/Blog/Winter. All in favor? Get filled today with God's indwelling Holy Spirit. When all is said, and has been said, the only thing that will be left is God's Holy Spirit in you, and love. God Almighty reigns.
One of the things the devil does best is place cloaks or coverings over the people of God in order to block their progress. A cloak keeps the person constrained, and prevents them from living into their fullest potential. The most commonly used cloak is a cloak of inferiority.that causes a person to think less of themselves. Ask the Father in heaven, the Lord, God of the universe, El Elohim, to remove any cloak of inferiority that has been placed on you. Pray in the spirit on this request. Pray until your spirit has nothing further to say and you are certain that the Lord God has heard you.
Worry is an emotion that depletes your energy. It also prevents you from accessing the solution to issues you may be experiencing.. When engaged in worry, a ring of toxicity encircles your heart that generates a negative charge which is attractive to negative energies. The problem you are experiencing thus becomes compounded. When tempted to worry, ask the Lord God of the universe to immerse your heart in spiritual acid in order to dissolve the negative attachments that are causing you to worry. When these attachments have been dissolved, you are better able to focus on God instead of on the problem. You also are better able to source solutions to the problem. Finally, you will come to realize that God is in control of all the earth.
When your brother marries someone, she becomes your sister in law. In some countries, she becomes your sister. Regardless of how she is described, she becomes an important part of your family and has the honor of saying that she is a member of your household. Respect your spiritual in laws, and treat them as you would treat any other family member.
Waking up is essential if you do not want to miss an important spiritual appointment. However, standing up tall is critically important if you wish to make a good impression. Standing tall in spiritual reality is just as important as standing tall in physical reality. To stand tall in spiritual reality, you must be fully and completely aligned with God in heart, in mind, and in soul. In order to align with God, you must have the indwelling Holy Spirit of God.
When the Lord God returns to live in the earth, the Scriptures state that he will be the light of the world. We no longer will be living in darkness, as we currently are. I always had assumed that the transformation of our world would be automatic, and that sinfulness would abruptly end when the Lord returns. I now know that this is wishful thinking, and that even after the Lord returns, men and women will continue in their depravity and rebellion. Only gradually will the transformation take place. The Lord will return at midnight, at the height of the rebellion, and the day will gradually dawn as the sun rises.
The day will dawn only as we commit to living in conformity with universal spiritual principles, and only as we long for the light of day. If we are content to live in darkness, the day will never arrive, and the darkness will continue for all one thousand years of Jesus' millennial reign. Mornings naturally and effortlessly follow evenings in each day's cycle, but in the realm of spiritual law, we must desire the morning in order for it to arrive. Not only must we desire it, we also must actively embrace it. Every new flicker of light must be coached into becoming a flame. And every flame must become a consuming fire, intent on devouring every deed of darkness. When the fire of the Holy Spirit begins to consume every deed of darkness, only then will we be able to say that the Lord God Almighty has become the light of the world. For now, we each can decide the extent to which we will allow the Holy Spirit to light our path. We can choose to have him consume the darkness that exists in every corner of our being, or we can confine him to a tiny room in a far corner. A glance at our ethereal body will reveal the truth about our commitment to light, or lack thereof. In the context of our relationship with God, the Scriptures state that we know that we have come to love him if we obey his commands. His commands reveal the path to light. They tell us what causes darkness to reign, and what turns on the light in our hearts. They also tell us what brings joy to our world. Finally, they tell us what will break Satan's hold on our world. They are like the yellow brick road that leads to eternity. Follow the yellow brick road, being certain to take every turn it reveals, and by God's will, with much prayer, we will see you in eternity. In Jesus' name, Amen. Sometimes, depending on where you are, waking up happens automatically, and at other times, you need to set the alarm and choose the time you wish to wake up, so that you don't miss an important appointment.
When the Lord God Almighty wants to communicate with a person, a group, or with the world, he speaks through the heart only. He never speaks through the head. The head is the source of humanity's problems. It also is the reason that humanity seems incapable of reorienting itself after having lost its foothold. In order for God to speak through a person, the heart must be cleansed. When the heart is cleansed, the communication from God is clear and unadulterated.
Inspired writing is writing that comes directly from the heart. One listens only to the heart as the source of the information. In contrast, writing that is from a person or from a third party comes from the head. If you want to write from your spirit, you first need to know what is on your heart and ensure that your brain approves. The brain rarely approves of what comes from the heart. It wants to be the sole source of information. However, the information that comes from your heart is most in alignment with you and with your spirit. Speak with your mouth what is on your heart and you will connect with your spirit. Listen to your heart and you will connect with God. When you first awake from a deep sleep, you might be a bit groggy and disoriented, because in sleep, your spirit is separated from your body and must again begin to function when it reenters. It takes a few minutes for the spirit to become acclimated to being back in the body. During this period, the spirit is extremely vulnerable to assault with directed energy weapons that could keep it separated from the body. Your best defense is to pray in the language of the spirit that your spirit will be fully aligned with the Holy Spirit that is in you. Pray also that your body will be fully aligned with your spirit.
When you are planning a construction project, you generally want to ensure that you have an expert builder. If the construction project is in any way connected with God, the Global Emergencies website offers a mini construction manual titled Working, at www.RebekahIsaac.info. It is the only way that you can fireproof your construction project.
There are many who are seeking answers outside of themselves for the many complex issues of spirituality. The Lord God Almighty wants you to know that while he is open to providing assistance through others in order to guide you in your quest, you also must be committed to delving deeper into your spirit. You must commit to drawing closer to God because the closer you are to him, the more the secrets of the universe will be revealed to you. You have wisdom in you that can be shared with your fellow human beings. Any effort to discover it will be well worth the results.
The Scriptures state that no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind can conceive of what God has prepared for those who love him. Today's Blog post on our Global Emergencies site is undoubtedly one such example of what God has prepared for those who love him. The post is authored by a guest contributor and is titled Ageing Imperceptibly. It can be viewed at http://www.RebekahIsaac.info.
If you are planning elective surgery, or any type of invasive surgery anytime in the next year, this post is critical reading. Our Blog on Global Emergencies have two new Blog posts that are definitely worth reading. They both have been authored by guest contributors and are titled When Worlds Collide and When Worlds Collide II. See http://www.RebekahIsaac.info
In the Bible, the Book of James, chapter 4, verses 13 to 17 cautions those who proceed to make detailed plans regarding their future, while ignoring God's plans and purposes. The Lord expects that we will plan our future, however, he also expects that those plans will be made in consultation with him. In doing so, we can capitalize on the fact that he sees into our future. He knows all of the mishaps, the wrong turns, and the missed opportunities. He sees everything that will make us happy or sad. He also sees everything that will keep us separated from him, and the things that will draw us closer to him, if that is our goal. He is an adviser par excellence.
There are many people, including priests and pastors, who have developed an intimate relationship with Satan. They have lived by the principle that if you keep your enemies close to you, you can be forewarned of any plots against you, and perhaps protected from those plots. Others have developed the relationship because they saw it as a means of ensuring their safety and the safety of their family members. What they failed to realize is that while they were operating on a physical and emotional level, Satan was controlling them on a spiritual level. The spirit realm is the controlling realm and human beings will never be in full control until they begin to operate from that realm. In order to do so, they first must sever the relationship with Satan so that they can begin to be taught by God. Severing the relationship with Satan is as simple as speaking in the language of the Spirit and commanding him by the power of the Holy Spirit of God to never again communicate with you in the realm of the Spirit. Amen.
Every journey has at least two or more alternate routes that would lead you to the same destination. Even when the journey is extremely short, such as from the surrounding garden to the vestibule of the same house, two occupants of the house are likely to use a different route, a different number of footsteps, or a more winding path with many more stops along the way than another occupant. When the journey is spiritual, the same principles of human nature should be applied.
From a religious and spiritual perspective, God does not deem it relevant that someone may have been raised as an atheist or a Muslim, lived their entire life as an atheist or a Muslim, and became a follower and disciple of Jesus two days prior to the rapture. They would be subject to the same standard of discipleship as a person who became a disciple of Jesus at the age of five, and lived for sixty years as a disciple. In the Bible, Matthew, chapter 20 confirms that the Lord God Almighty will give the same rewards, and offers the same promises to everyone, irrespective of the length of time that they have lived as a disciple of Jesus. The sole distinguishing factor is their degree of righteousness, as evidenced by the amount and intensity of the light that emanates from their solar plexus. Amen. When the Holy Spirit of God initially suggested that this Blog post should be titled "Spiritual Imbeciles" I protested vigorously on grounds of political correctness. I didn't want to say something that clearly would offend at least a few people, if there was a different way of saying it. I thought we should instead do a Part 2 to the post a few days ago titled Wellingtons. But the Holy Spirit protested also and won the debate with the current title because of the dire and critical nature of this matter. If we were to revisit the example of Wellingtons, just as you should not pour water into your Wellington boot if the intent of wearing them is to keep your feet warm and dry, so also you should not place them into a furnace where they are likely to melt and be destroyed.
It is unfathomable that so many individuals claim to be seeking to avoid being condemned to hell, yet they are lining up in large numbers either to take a tour of hell, or to go into hell to meet with their spirit guides. Spirit guides all reside in hell. If you have to go somewhere to meet with them, your ONLY possible destination is hell. One wonders what desperation would cause someone to consciously and deliberately go to a place that most people have legitimately spent their lives trying to avoid. Going into hell consciously and deliberately while you are alive has the same effect on your soul and spirit as if you had spent your entire life in sin and rebellion against God and had been condemned to eternity in hell. It is a form of self-condemnation that bypasses the formal Judgment Day, even while you may have been seeking to live in accordance with biblical principles. Once in hell, there is no legitimate reason for Satan to release your spirit back into the earth unless you first pledge allegiance to him. You cannot consciously enter hell for any purpose, yet claim to be interested in spending eternity in heaven with God. At least once a year, most individuals will visit a medical doctor for a physical checkup. And, if their health is in any way compromised, they might visit more frequently. Most of us fail to realize that physical health and wellness begin in the spirit. If our spirit is "healthy" and spiritually clean, our bodies also will be healthy and free of illness. Instead of wasting billions of dollars on our desperate and dangerously misguided quest for physical health and wellness, we instead would merely ask God to heal our spirit--free of charge.
There are many methods by which spiritual health can become compromised. In an infant or young child, their spiritual health can become compromised if the parent has a spirit that is spiritually compromised, or if the gestational parent ingests a substance during pregnancy which has a powerful spirit that is opposed to life. The struggle between the spirit of the fetus and the spirit in the substance could result in the infant's spirit being compromised in a manner that manifests in the physical realm. Protecting oneself and one's family from spiritual ill health begins with a decision to receive God's indwelling Holy Spirit and to begin to live by the Spirit. Living by the Spirit entails living in accordance with spiritual truth, and speaking only what accords with that truth. It may be a slow process of change in the beginning, but if you persist, you are guaranteed victory. You also will come to realize that everything you hate about your life, about people, and about circumstances here on earth were never intended by God, and are manifestations of the power of evil. If everyone on earth chose to live by the Spirit, God's perfection would manifest in the earth. More importantly, if everyone chose to do a spiritual checkup and realignment with God at least once a day, eventually we would have no need for a billion dollar health care bill. When you choose to become an enemy of God and a friend of Satan, you automatically assume that Satan also has chosen to become your friend. That is never ever true. Satan never pledges his loyalty to any human being, although humans automatically assume that if they are loyal to him, he will be loyal to them. He capitalizes on this false belief by pitting his loyal humans against each other. Thus, two enemies of God who do not realize that they both have chosen to become enemies of God, will wage war against each other and on behalf of Satan. He thereby accomplishes his goal of destroying them both. When the goal is accomplished, Satan will have won because of their loyalty to him, and they both will have lost because of their betrayal of God.
It is not very often that you hear someone refer to a person with a liberal or far left perspective as bigoted. However, bigotry is not a respecter of persons. The term can be applied to anyone who believes that their viewpoint or their perspective is the only one that is worthy of consideration. The term also can be applied to anyone who refuses even to hear another perspective.
December 2020