The Lord God Almighty has decreed that anyone who is in the kingdom of God has his authority to shake the heavens for any reason under the sun, for any purpose on earth, and for relief from any demon in hell. One can shake the heavens simply by asking the Lord God Almighty to shake the heavens for release of any specific provision. The Lord God Almighty will have a power to shake that is commensurate with your degree of righteousness, and your level of obedience to the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God.
If you are ill, experiencing financial difficulty, or dealing with relationship problems, know without a doubt that the Lord God can fix it in a flash, but only if each of us does exactly what the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God has told us to do. Ask him now whether or not you are fully compliant with each of his commands, and make amends by obeying. Ask him also whether everyone in your circle of relationships is fully compliant with each of his commands. If they are not, you should challenge them to obey the spirit's commands. As iron sharpens iron, so you must challenge and sharpen one another. Make a list of all of the persons in your circle of relationships whom the Holy Spirit states is not fully compliant. Call them each, speaking in the language of the spirit from the heart, and tell them what the Holy Spirit is saying to them. You may not understand what the Holy Spirit is saying through you, however, you may be saving a life, spiritually, physically, or emotionally. Each of us must become our brother's or sister's keeper. Each of us must love the kingdom with a passion that knows no boundaries. Each of us must become a gatekeeper for the kingdom of God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
When someone claims to have been anointed by God for a specific purpose, we should expect to see evidence of that anointing. They should not be individuals who are pursuing other careers and other interests full-time, but instead, they should be devoting full-time to the purpose for which they have been anointed. Of course, not everyone who claims to have been anointed has indeed been anointed. In fact, there are many who claim to have been anointed who in fact have been self-appointed.
The clear sign of someone who has been anointed is that they are rarely if ever accepted by the world. They often have been ridiculed, ostracized, tortured, and tormented. In many instances, they have lost their jobs and other sources of income. One wonders how this is possible if God is all powerful. But God wonders why this is allowed to continue when there are many others who claim to follow God, and to be disciples of Jesus. The Lord God Almighty wants everyone in his kingdom to know that a major part of being a disciple is taking care of the needs of those who have been anointed to serve them. Otherwise there could be no true and genuine kingdom of God. It would be as though everyone in the U.S. federal government had a second full-time or part-time job, while claiming to wholeheartedly serve the American people. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Whenever you encounter darkness, the first instinct is to turn on the light, whether it is a flashlight, the light in a home or office, or a street light. The light is what enables you to see clearly so that you don't stumble and fall. Spiritual light operates in the same manner. It enables you to see clearly the spiritual forces of good and evil, so that you can make the correct choice.
The Lord God Almighty desires to shine his light into all the earth so that every corner of the earth can be clearly illuminated. It is up to the earth's inhabitants to cleanse the earth of evil forces so that his light can shine brightly. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Human beings need to learn how to tame their tongue. Crocodiles are one of the most cunning of all of God's creations. They rarely, if ever, are seen, despite their large size, and they almost never give off sounds. They remain submerged until a prey approaches, and then they pounce. Humans can learn a lot from crocodiles. Do what the Lord God has anointed you to do, without announcing it to the entire world. If an enemy approaches in an attempt to block you, pounce and destroy him without letting off a sound, then continue working toward your goal.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim The unique thing about ants is that they are so tiny, yet can cause a tremendous amount of pain. When they sting, the sting sometimes remains in the skin for days and can cause redness and swelling. Few other insects have the pain potential of ants.
Infants and young children should know and should be made to understand that they have incredible resources at their disposal if they are sealed with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and have been raptured into his kingdom. They have a faith that is unquenchable, and whatever they speak into the ether will manifest. Trust them to take charge of their lives and to protect themselves from enemy forces. You will be amazed at how powerful and effective they are and can become. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim The previous Blog might suggest that the Lord God Almighty needs you to resign from your daytime job and find a nighttime job, but that is not quite what he is thinking. He needs you, however, to be prepared to remain awake all night if he tells you to do so. That may be the night that Satan plans to do the most damage to you, to your physical health and well being, or to members of your family. You would be amazed at how well you can function with no sleep, and relying only on the Supreme Holy Spirit Of God. In fact, you might be more alert and more productive than if you had slept for eight or ten hours.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Most people assume that when it is daytime, they should be awake, and when the night falls, they should go to sleep. If you are a member of the kingdom of God, the opposite may be true. The night is when the most evil happens. It is the time when Satan and his cohorts seek to take control of the spirits of sleeping saints of God. It is the time when saints of God most need the protection of the Holy Spirit Of God. Before you go to sleep at night, ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God to guard and protect your spirit, and to keep it safe for all eternity.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim In the midst of turmoil, there always is something happening that if you paid attention to it, the turmoil would become insignificant. Today is Black Friday, not for any reason other than that it is the day on which businesses lose their redness and enter blackness, and profitability. Some businesses wait for the entire year so that they can justify their existence on Black Friday.
If you have ever thought of what it could mean to have your entire existence become credible in one day, or in one year, then you understand the significance of Black Friday. For disciples of Jesus, the same concept applies, because their entire existence revolves around a single event--the opening of the gates to eternity, and the return to love, to justice, and to reconciliation. When you think of what it means to be Black, think not of the images we see on television, instead, think of the return to the core of our existence, and the reason for our being. Black is the core of who we are, it is the beingness of our humanity. When God made Adam, he was Black, and so was Eve. When God called Moses, he too was Black. When he called Elisha, he was Black. And when the Messiah came, he was Black. A friend once said to me that if he knew that I was Black at my core, he may never have befriended me. He misunderstood my statement to mean that at least one of my parents is Black, and he is not far from the truth. However, he also misunderstood that despite his pale white skin, he also was Black at his core, having descended from Adam and Eve and their black-skinned offspring. He may never understand how that could occur, unless he reads the account of Elisha healing a prophet of God so that he may be restored to his original Black skin. The Lord God Almighty is a God who cherishes each one of his children, but needs them to know their truest color. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Living aimlessly is not how you would describe the CEO of a major corporation, a doctor engaged in an active medical practice, or an accountant with more work than he can handle. Nor is it how you would describe a priest or a pastor of a mega church. If, however, they have neglected to seek the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and are living solely in accordance with their wishes and desires, they too can be described as spiritual "beach bums" living aimlessly and without spiritual focus or spiritual purpose.
Being spiritually focused is not merely doing what someone, including a priest or a pastor, tells you that you should be doing. It is doing what the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God indicates that you should do. Only he knows the route to eternity. Only he has an error proof GPS (Global Positioning System). He only is the one you should heed, and his instructions are the ones you should follow. This Thanksgiving, take a moment to focus on being grateful for the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. Ask him to show you how to surrender to his lead, to trust his guidance, and to put your hope in him only. Decide that the next year of your life will be lived differently, with a true spiritual focus, and with a purpose that leads you toward eternity. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim One associates the term "beach bums" with individuals who have no aim and no focus, and whose entire life is spent on the beaches of the world, surfing, sunbathing, and essentially doing nothing of significance. However, if you are in the millennial kingdom of God, you have pledged to follow Christ, and yet, you rarely if ever seek the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, you may be considered a spiritual beach bum, living aimlessly and without spiritual focus.
Life as a disciple in the millennial kingdom of God should be precision-focused, desperately seeking the will of God and of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God at every turn. You should have a plan given to you by the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God of everything that he needs you to accomplish today and tomorrow and the next day. You should know without a doubt that you are living where he needs you to live, doing what he needs you to do, and being who he needs you to be. If that is not how you have been living, you can begin today. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim The Lord God Almighty has decreed that I should never have to face the devil if ever I were to return to earth to join the millennial kingdom of God. I know that the devil is no more, having been put to sleep, as had been decreed. I know also that the earth knows little peace, despite his having been put to sleep, because the children of the devil are eager to fulfill his mission. They know that when eternity's gates are opened, the Lord God Almighty will descend to right the wrongs that Satan had committed. For now, they seek to manifest his every evil plan, to wrench the joy from hearts that seek the Lord.
I remember well the days of woebegone, when all of Eden was awash with joy, then suddenly the devil reared his head, convinced me that the Lord had done us wrong, and in a flash the joy became a never-ending round of bitter tales. Today, the world has seen the worst of him, and yet they seek to set eternity aside to claim his empty promises. I bid the earth farewell, not when I died, but when the sadness and the pain had overwhelmed. I didn't have to die but Adam did, because the Lord's command was given to him, and him alone. I spent the last six thousand years or so wondering what could have been if I had heard the Lord's command, and kept it in my heart. Would all the world have known the Lord? Would only still a few? Would Adam have obeyed until the end of time, and lived to see eternity proclaimed? Would all our children have obeyed the Lord? I know that now that all is said and done, the Lord will never know how much regret is in this fallen soul, not only for the ones whose soul is lost for all eternity, but also for the ones who lost the joy and ecstasy of life, a joy that only Eden's children knew. The Lord will yet deliver us to Eden's gates once more, to see his children smile with ecstasy. Eve of Eden A long time ago, the Lord God Almighty cautioned everyone in the millennial kingdom of God to have their doctor wean them off all of their medications, and to avoid taking any non-prescription drugs. Only about 200,000 people heeded his advice. In fact, some people began to take medication that they had not previously been taking.
If you seek to have all of the benefits of being in the kingdom of God, you must begin to wean off of all medications, even if you are on pain killers or anti-rejection medication because of an organ transplant. In every instance, the Lord God Almighty and the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God can show you precisely what to do so that you can avoid medication. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim A sure sign of a genuine man or woman of God is their level of resilience. There are some people whose faith you can never shake. There are others who are easily tossed by every light wind of resistance. The Lord God Almighty needs to have individuals in his kingdom who are like oak trees, towering over the storms of life, refusing to bend or break even to the most violent storms, and daring every executioner, every blackmailer, and every extortioner to come against the God of heaven. The Lord God Almighty is a God of rampant resilience, and he needs to birth in you rampant resilience.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Whether you are milking a cow or a goat, the procedure is the same. However, the milk is very different. Goats have a different system that allows their milk to be much more consumable by humans. Similarly, the procedures used with those inside and outside of the kingdom of God may be the same, but the results are often very different. Thus, you should seriously consider whether or not you should do business with individuals who are not members of the kingdom of God, because their motives are likely to be very different from yours, and they often will be subject to very different standards.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim When you need a place to stay, and you need it urgently, the only options are a hotel room, or a friend's guest room, assuming that you have a friend with a guest room. The Lord God Almighty does not like his saints to be without a place to sleep, so if you have a spare bedroom, consider renting it to another member of God's kingdom. The devil and his emissaries are working hard at denying God's people a place to sleep, and you may be their next target.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Whenever you are faced with a situation that is beyond your ability to control, your best course of action is to have a third party act in your behalf, because those are the circumstances that demand precision and focus. A lack of focus could be not only detrimental, but also could lead to dire circumstances. The Lord God Almighty will never deny you the opportunity to have an advocate act in your behalf.
While legal action may not be appropriate when dealing with a member of God's millennial kingdom, you should not hesitate to take appropriate legal action when dealing with individuals outside of the millennial kingdom of God. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim A long time ago, doctors routinely drilled holes into the heads of their patients in order to release evil spirits and supposedly bring their patients back to a place of sanity. Many of the patients died during the lobotomy procedure, but presumably, they died with sanity. Today, law enforcement officials and other agents of the antichrist, throughout the nation and throughout the world, have taken up the habit of performing manifest lobotomies on those whom the antichrist deem to be acting contrary to his stated agenda. He wants world domination, and no one can be seen as blocking that agenda.
There are very simple ways of knowing whether someone with a very serious head injury suffered the injury during a fall, or whether or not they were subjected to a deliberate attack. That a fall occurred as part of the incident that occasioned the injury does not mean that the injury resulted from the fall. Where the injury is literally a hole in the head with no flesh, and is surrounded by burnt skin, the injury should be deemed suspicious. In addition, if there is no serious trauma to the head, yet a massive injury exists on the forehead, that too indicates a suspicious injury. In concert with these types of injuries, certain ambulance personnel know that they are to deliver the patient to the hospital with a stopped heart. Today, most ambulances are equipped with technology that enables them to perform assisted suicide on a seriously injured patient, should the patient so request, but that technology also serves the purposes of the antichrist. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim When the Lord God Father in Heaven becomes wedded, the only persons present will be manifest witnesses, the witnesses whom the Lord God Almighty knows are confident that the kingdom of God has arrived, are confident of their place in it, and believe themselves to be on their way to the gates of eternity. If you meet all three of these requirements, the Lord God Almighty will ensure that you are a witness to the wedding, either in person, or in the realm of the spirit.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Whenever you are seeking to hide your actions, it usually is an indication that you are well aware that there is fault in your actions. Instead of hiding them, ask the Holy Spirit Of God that is in you to vet the actions, and to tell you whether there is anything that you should do differently. The Lord God Almighty is a God of vengeance, and will bring judgment on those who bring harm to his anointed ones.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim There are times when you feel that the only means of expressing the explosive emotions that you are experiencing is to say a word that is not in the dictionary of polite discourse. That is exactly the way that I have been feeling for the past two months. Everything should be going exactly the way that I had planned, but it is not. I am struggling to lay claim to territory that belongs to the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God.
I know now that I am fighting a losing battle in that regard, and that the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God must be the Supreme Commander. I know that with him in the lead, I am guaranteed victory. But I want the victory now, today. I want it before the sun goes down, today. I want it before the moon shows its face tonight. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Watching the ether yesterday was like watching fireworks. It was ablaze with light flashing in every direction, daring anyone to intercept. I realized later that it was one person who was responsible for generating all of the light; one woman who set the world ablaze. It is calmer now but barely so. I know that in the days to come, the light will never cease to be, and all the world will have been set ablaze with endless light. I too will be that light that never ceases, that endless light that renders the night indistinguishable from the daytime.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim In some cultures, it is very common place to say a blessing on God on a regular basis. In other cultures, it is more common place to seek God's blessings. When we say, "Bless the Lord" we are saying that God is as much in need of blessing as everyone else. It is an acknowledgement that although God is perfect, he is subject to emotions, temptations, and forces of evil, and therefore, is very much in need of our prayers and blessings. The next time you ask for God's blessing, say a blessing on the Lord God Almighty, on the Lord God Father in Heaven, on Jesus Of Nazareth, and on the Supreme Holy Spirit Of God.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim When you see a movie that breaks every record of the past, you refer to it as a blockbuster. When you encounter a person who breaks every record in their area of expertise, you refer to them as stellar, gifted, or just plain genius. If we were to write a movie screen play about the events of the past ten years, it would become an instant blockbuster. It has all the elements of a blockbuster: one person with a cause, struggling against opposing forces, gritting teeth against the avalanche of opposition, not a single supporter, but many beneficiaries of the cause, and winning against all odds. That is the nature of the battle that has established the kingdom of God.
The fight is ongoing, still almost single-handedly, and the Lord God Almighty and the Lord God Father in Heaven want the world to know that we have arrived at the point of no return, as long as we continue the journey. We can never lose this battle, as long as we continue on. If you quit now, you will be quitting on a stupendous win. Claim your victory, and let us begin the process of rebuilding the kingdom of God in the manner in which God intended it should function. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim When the Lord God Almighty decrees that the month of November will be a month of cleansing, one automatically assumes that it will not be a month that brings joy to the heart. One assumes that it will be all pain and suffering as one person after another succumbs to the demonic forces that inhabit them.
But that is not what God intends. He intends that even as Satan's forces succumb, the members of his millennial and eternal kingdom will be filled with joy and peace. Their peace will result from the earth's cleansing of their tormentors and from their realization that the kingdom of God is indeed a reality. They will see and know the God of the Bible, and their joy will be complete. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Whenever you believe that you have succeeded in hiding truth, the lies begin to disintegrate so that truth can be revealed. Lies can never hide truth because truth is light, and light always dissipates darkness, regardless of the nature of that darkness. When America, Israel, and other global leaders turn back to God, truth will be revealed and darkness will dissipate not only in America and in Israel, but throughout the world. The light will shatter the darkness. The light will consume the darkness.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
December 2020