There is a common saying that one can be penny wise and pound foolish, in that the larger matters that ought to concern us are given little attention, while we focus our energies on small and insignificant issues. The idiom relates not only to our relationship to money, but also to any aspect of life in which our thinking has a tendency to become unbalanced and entrenched.
Stop for a moment and think of any issue on which you have become locked in a particular direction and way of thinking. Are there related issues that are larger and more significant that should be of greater concern to you? What is it that you need to do in order to refocus your energies? What else can you do? Do it today. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
Whenever you sense that something is not quite right in a relationship, you should never assume that you can fix the person after the wedding. If they refuse to change prior to the wedding, they are not likely to change after the wedding. If they refuse to change even after becoming aware of the need for change, it is not likely that they are a genuine disciple of Jesus, or a genuine member of his millennial kingdom.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Whenever the Lord God Almighty desires to achieve a goal, he follows its progression to the very end until the goal has been accomplished, and he does anything and everything that is asked of him on the way to its completion. If there is any need necessary to fulfillment of the goal, the Lord God Almighty will meet the need.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Sometimes when things are difficult to say, we resort to saying nothing, but those are the times when we should be relying on the infallible wisdom of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, on the power of his presence in us, and on the name of Jesus. The Lord God Almighty has given us everything we need when he gave us his indwelling Holy Spirit. It is he, the indwelling Holy Spirit, who will win this battle against evil, and it is he who will take us into eternity, and into the next eternity, and the next.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When flowers are in bloom, their petals open to embrace the air, the sunshine and the rain, and only by opening can they hope to experience the fullness of life. Only by opening do they see the light, and only by opening can they have an experience of space. They can never be what God created them to be if they refuse to open to their world. Nor can they ever see the face of God.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is a God of infinite patience, infinite wisdom, and infinite endurance, but when infinity comes to an end, it is because we have lost our faith in God. The Lord God Almighty commands you to be faithful always, to the end of time, and into eternity. The Lord God Almighty will never succumb to a lack of faith, and nor should you. He will keep you faithful to the end, if you trust in him.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Whenever the Lord God Almighty desires to accomplish a goal, he not only prays to the Holy Spirit Of God, but also, he demands that the forces of hell be subdued. He also never assumes that they will remain subdued unless he speaks from the perspective of eternity, and repeats his commands to every new group of recruits who seek to assume the mission left undone by the former group.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Maintaining an adequate supply of resilience is probably the most difficult thing that anyone can do. Being able to bounce back from virtually any circumstance is a gift that only a very few have been blessed to receive. But resilience is a cousin to defiance, and one must tread carefully to ensure that resilience and defiance do not become team mates.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Stating that someone has an ultimatum does not necessarily give them an ultimatum, because an ultimatum must be enforced. If it is not enforced, it is merely a demand that may or may not be met. Ultimatums serve the purpose of generating a sense of urgency that fuels forward movement. They also regenerate the desire for a previously established goal. Give ultimatums sparingly, but when you feel stuck, they can be the surest way of becoming unstuck.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The most basic means by which one can experience a spiritual about turn is to take each thought captive, examine it thoroughly, and discard any aspects of it that are ungodly.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Rain does not happen in exactly the way that has been taught in college and high school classes. It is not only about the evaporation of sufficient quantities of water from the earth's surface. Sometimes rain happens when the clouds become heavy because of dust particles that have been shot into them, thus forcing them to release water. If there is no water for them to release, the dust particles remain in the upper atmosphere and create a layer of filth. When water later is added to this filth, it eventually falls as polluted rain, and contaminates everything with which it comes in contact. Be careful not to assume that rain water is pure, because it is not.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When someone is halfway through a meeting and a new member of the group walks in, it is advisable to greet them warmly because they almost always are the ones whom Satan sought to delay. They are the ones who he knew would either benefit or contribute the most. They almost always are the ones who most need to be there. When the meeting is delayed, it generally is because someone should be there who is not yet there. Hold the meeting, or the critical juncture, open for as long as possible to ensure that all attendees are present.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai This is not your typical Blog because it is being issued as a command to two individuals who know exactly what the Blog means, and who are under an obligation to obey it because of the vows they have taken. The command is that they be married by September 25, 2018 or be subjected to the most grueling tests that anyone could experience. They have one week from today to choose their future--they can leave it to chance, or take matters into their own hands and experience married bliss for all eternity. They will know that this Blog is meant to be obeyed if they are at the same place at 7 pm tonight, and they are there without having spoken to each other.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The truest definition of humility is not necessarily turning the other cheek whenever someone does you wrong, because God expects that you will defend yourself, and he also expects you to defend the kingdom of God, and the people of the kingdom. True humility is being willing to surrender your will to the will and purpose of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God.
It is the Holy Spirit Of God to whom you must submit, not the neighbor who repeatedly does you wrong. It is the Holy Spirit Of God whose advice you must seek, not the friend who ultimately might betray you. When you are willing to subjugate your will, and your desires to that of the Holy Spirit Of God, only then can you be deemed to be truly humble. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Aiding and abetting evil is not something that most people consider themselves to be guilty of doing. They would quickly reject the notion that they are in any way aligned with the devil's purposes. However, the devil rarely if ever, makes himself known as the devil. He is the "Dapper Dan" who wants everyone to be happy and self-fulfilled, and who is being "persecuted" by God for being too independent.
But it is the devil who takes the mind and the spirit out of every human being he manages to lure into his den of iniquity. It also is the devil who scores points each time he removes the soul from a person by taking them into hell while they are still alive, then convincing them that they cannot return to the earth without having the new body that he has created for them. When they become convinced, he etherizes them, then sends them back into the earth as caricatures, robots who have no internal organs and no genuine life in them. In sharp contrast, it is the Lord God Almighty who desires to give you life to the full, who fills you with the light of his indwelling Holy Spirit so that you may know and understand the truth, who desires for you only peace, health, happiness, and the very best that life can give to you, and who seeks only what is in your best interests. Finally, it is the Lord God Almighty who desires to have you see eternity. When you understand that there are only two choices in life, that your mind aligns with one or the other, that every decision you make is aligned with one or the other, that every action you take is aligned with one or the other, you will come to understand that you have only one choice. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Aching hands or aching feet know the pain of being separated from God, because when any part of the body is in pain, it is automatically separated from God, as if it had no relationship with him. A body part that is in pain cannot know God because God is not the author of pain, and therefore, cannot know what he has not authored. If any part of your body is in pain, command it to know the Lord God Almighty, and to know his principles.
Command also that if there is any person in your vicinity who is causing you pain through the use of Smartphone apps that cause muscle spasms, burning sensations, and other symptoms, that they would instantly be made to cease their activities. Pray only from the heart, and in the language of the spirit, so that the content of your prayer will remain a secret between you and God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you have ever wondered whether a solution exists for each problem you encounter, the answer is "yes."
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Sometimes, when the way is blocked, you know that it is the only route to your destination, and you have no other available options, your only solution is simply to blast your way through the obstacles. That is exactly what firefighters do when they encounter a building that is on fire, and especially when they know that there are not only people trapped on the inside, but also, the likelihood of the fire spreading to other buildings.
God needs individuals who are willing to become spiritual firefighters, who know that in every place of worship there are likely to be people trapped inside who still need to become sealed and raptured, people who don’t know that there is a fire raging around them, underneath them, or above them. When you are a spiritual firefighter, you don't wait for an invitation if the door is locked. Instead, you blast your way through. You also don't become overly concerned about hurting anyone's feelings because they need to know about the fire, and of the consequences of standing still. They also need to know about the escape route. If you are a member of, or a visitor to, a congregation that does not seal every member with the Holy Spirit Of God and ensure that they are raptured into God's kingdom, you can become their rescuer. Speak to them in the realm of the spirit and exhort them each to become sealed with God's Holy Spirit and raptured into his kingdom. Speak until everyone has become sealed with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, or has expressed a preference not to be sealed. The Lord God Almighty is a God of infinite patience. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty determined a long time ago that I should wear his crown of twelve stars, which is a representation of the twelve tribes of Israel. Besides the crown of twelve stars, I also wear the crown of El Elohim, the Father in Heaven. When two crowns are worn for two very different purposes, it can result in confusion as to the end result, and as to whose mission may be deemed to be more important.
The Lord God Almighty needs the world to know that both missions happened simultaneously, and were supposed to have concluded simultaneously. That is not what happened ultimately. As a nation, Israel became sealed with the Holy Spirit Of God several years ago, but they assumed that was all they needed. So they became sealed, then continued on the path to destruction. As a result, many in Israel became unsealed, remain unsealed today, and will continue to be unsealed until they are ready to learn how to pray from the heart in the language of the Holy Spirit. When they are ready, they will focus on their heart, and merely vocalize the sounds that come from the heart. Many in Israel and elsewhere remain unsealed today simply because they refuse to speak in the language of the Spirit, sometimes referred to as speaking in "tongues." The language of the Spirit is the language that God gave to humanity when he created us. It was his way of ensuring that we could always communicate with him. It is the language that every infant speaks until they learn their native language. If you refuse to speak in "tongues" you will never have a clear and peaceful means of communicating with God. Nor will you be able to receive his instant answers to every question you ask. God is one word away from you, one sentence away from your becoming sealed with his indwelling Holy Spirit, and one prayer away from sending you the answers you need. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai There seems to be no end to the remembrance of the victims of September 11, 2001. For the victims of Katrina, even their children have not all been returned to them. Apparently there is a lack of funding for computers to track which child belongs to which parent. In the meantime, there is oodles of funding to ensure that every bone fragment is linked to the correct 9/11 victim. Most of the 9/11 families are millionaires, while most of the victims of Katrina are still displaced, and many remain homeless and unemployed.
How does our federal government, particularly FEMA, decide which disaster should be given top priority? We need a standard that does not depend on race, religion, socio-economic status, or any other factor that prefers one group, or one state over another. The Lord God Almighty will have a disaster plan that gives a cash settlement to every victim who has proof of losses up to a certain maximum. Every life will be worth the same, every limb will be worth the same, and every eye, ear or nose will be worth the same. Disaster relief should not be tied to one's level of education or employment status. That one experienced the disaster is all that should be necessary in order for relief to flow. The Lord God Almighty is a God of justice, of principle, of compassion, and of equality. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Doing everything that God requires of you is not a guarantee that you will have a successful and fulfilling life, or a life that is without turmoil. In fact, it is more likely that the forces of evil will seek to turn your life upside down if you desire to do everything that God requires of you.
Living by God's standards is a slipping and sliding type of experience, at least until you learn to stand on two feet and confront the forces of evil. Each demon has a name, and virtually every negative experience in life has as its cause demonic forces. Until you learn to deal with these demonic forces, your life could easily become a living hell. Call the demonic forces by name, and command them to do your bidding. They are compelled to obey if you speak with the authority of Christ. Most importantly, each demonic force you encounter should know that they are never to show themselves to you ever again from the time of the encounter, until the end of all eternity, and all eternities, and all eternities combined. In Jesus' name. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty has stated on numerous occasions that he is the God only of those who are obedient to his commands, and who are obedient to the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. If someone claims to be a follower of Christ, yet are obedient only to the commands given to them by the enemies of God, and ignore the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, they should know that they are not being counted as a follower of Christ, even if they are in the millennial kingdom. True followers of Christ walk as Jesus walked, love as he loved, and live by faith in the power of God's indwelling Holy Spirit.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the children of God choose to do everything that the Lord God Almighty tells them to do, only then will they begin to experience all of the benefits of being in the kingdom of God. For the messengers of God's kingdom, who now do everything that the Lord God Almighty commands them to do, the Lord God Almighty decrees that their suffering end, and that they begin to experience all of the benefits of being in the kingdom of God. The Lord God Almighty reigns in the earth, over the earth, and under the earth. Jesus is Lord, Jesus is King.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the ether states that the Lord God Almighty will reign for all eternity and all eternities and all eternities combined, he is stating only a small portion of the reality of God's existence. He is telling us about the eternities that are known, not the ones that are yet to come into existence. The eternities that are yet to come into existence do not begin to form until the first two eternities have ended. It is they who will signal to other eternities that their journey must commence.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Lord God Almighty determines who will lead in the kingdom of God, his choice will be based on whether he is dealing with a person of faith, or a person who is consumed with fear. Fear is not meant to be tolerated to any extent. Fear always must be extinguished in acid, in the same way that a fire is extinguished with water. Fear is man's gravest enemy, and his most alluring companion.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
December 2020