There is an insidious plot underfoot to replace our young children and young adults with robots powered by demonic spirits. You may question, and even doubt the veracity of this statement. God wants you to have absolute proof that your child has not been replaced by a humanlike robot that is powered by demonic spirits.
There are three principal areas of the human body that are alive to God as long as a person is alive, and that will respond to verbal stimuli in much the same way that the flight recorder or Black Box can tell the location of an aircraft that has crash landed. The human brain, the spinal column, and the heart all are capable of verifying whether or not someone is genuinely alive or whether they have been replaced by a humanlike robot created by humans and powered by demonic spirits. First, say the word "shamrock" powerfully while focused on the top of your head, then on your spine, then on your heart. Each time you say the word, wait deliberately to feel whether you sense a response before saying shamrock to the next area of the body. Each organ of the body should respond to the word shamrock, unless a specific organ has been transplanted, in which case it no longer is connected to God. Second, say the word "shamrock" to the same three areas of your child's body and wait deliberately for a response each time. If you sense the same responses as yours, the child should be alive physically. If neither his brain, his spine, nor any of his organs are responding, you have reason for concern. He either has been killed and replaced with a robot, or his spirit has been resected from his body then reattached. The effect is the same in that the body dies and has to be powered by demonic spirits. If you determine that your child is not physically alive, try to determine whether his body has been replaced. If it has, you have much reason for concern because your family has been infiltrated by a demonic entity that can cause harm to you and to other members of your family. It should immediately be removed from the family and sent to a mental health facility. You should know that these beings often are powered by as many as nineteen demons. If the child's body has not been substituted, ask God to reattach his spirit and cast out the demons. Pray in the language of the spirit from the heart until the parts of his body begin to respond to the word "shamrock." The Lord God Almighty reigns. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
“Manic” is not a word that should be associated with the Holy Spirit’s intervention to stop a blasphemous situation from occurring. If the Holy Spirit sees that Satan is about to snatch someone into hell, he will intervene with a sense of urgency to block the blasphemy from occurring. If someone speaks to you with a sense of urgency, and is encouraging you to do or to not do something, stop and pray about the situation before you proceed, especially if the person is someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit Of God.
In contrast, if the person who is encouraging you to do something does not have the light of God, you should be extremely wary of heeding anything they say, or of following any of their instructions. A salt spring cannot produce fresh water, and neither can a fluorescent bulb produce sunlight. If someone does not have the sun of righteousness shining forth from their core, know with certainty that the light that is on them is not from God; it is from Satan. The core of a human being is the solar plexus, which is located between the rib cage at the front of the body and directly above the stomach. It is meant to house the Holy Spirit Of God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai As you begin to understand and believe that the kingdom of God is real, that you are in it, having forsaken your old ways of being, and that you are headed for eternity, you should begin to put your new-found faith to the test. Ask the Lord God Almighty to direct your spirit to someone anywhere in the world who is either comatose, or has just been declared dead. In the language of the spirit, ask the person’s spirit whether they were ever sealed with the Holy Spirit Of God. If the answer is “yes” you can proceed, but if it is “no” you should ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to someone else.
When you find someone who was once sealed, you should ensure that they have the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, otherwise, command that they receive God’s Spirit and be sealed for eternity. If their heart is pure, they should instantly be sealed. If they are comatose, pray in the Spirit that God will show them the way out of the coma. Pray until their eyes are opened and they can walk and speak. If they have been declared dead, pray that the Holy Spirit Of God will awaken their spirit. Do this three times until you are certain that you can reverse comas, and raise the dead. Do this each time you need to strengthen your faith. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Many people in, and outside of, the kingdom of God are wondering why Jesus, our Messiah, has chosen to reveal himself only to a small handful of people. They were expecting that by now he would have become a household name, healing everyone who appeared on his doorstep. They also expected that by now he would have taken away their desire to sin, and so destroyed the devil's kingdom that he could never again tempt them. They expected much, but they have yet to see their desired expectations manifested.
Those of you who are waiting for the kingdom of God to unfold in accordance with your specific will and desires should know that the kingdom of God is not subject to man's will, or to the evil desires of his heart, but only to the penultimate grace of God. When you awaken on the morning after reading this Blog, you either will be outside of the kingdom, or in it. If you are still outside of it, know with certainty that you will never enter it. You will have forfeited the opportunity to enter because of your unbelief. You will have no place in either the millennial kingdom, or the eternal kingdom. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty has decreed that anyone who wants to see eternity must learn, believe, and understand that death is not real. If you continue to speak of death as if it were real and inevitable for everyone, including those in the kingdom of God, then you are violating the will and the purpose of God, and you eventually will be pulled out of the kingdom because of your lack of faith.
Many people witnessed the miracles that Jesus performed during the first century. They included awakening the "dead." The dead are easily awakened if their spirits are awakened and returned to their body, provided that the body is not in a weakened state because of illness. If the spirit is returned and awakened, the "dead" person will awaken. In some instances, the perpetrators seeking to cause death will use a laser cutter to cut or injure the spinal cord so as to render it impossible for the person to move or to respond. Thus, it is imperative that you communicate with the person's spirit and ask them how you can assist them. Do what they tell you to do. They usually will be able to tell you exactly what you should do in order to awaken them. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Lord God Almighty said that anyone who desires to see eternity should seek to complete their mission by June 15, 2018, he meant that date to apply only to the very first mission. There will be countless other missions with various deadlines attached. There also will be opportunities to engage in extra missions where needed, and they too will have dates attached.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When God Almighty gives a deadline for doing something, a significant number of people will wait until the deadline. However, many people in the kingdom of God have personal missions that were supposed to have been completed in 2017, or before. That God has set a new deadline of June 15, 2018 is extremely generous, but no one should assume that there are no consequences for failing to meet a previous deadline. When all has been said and done, God's greatest rewards will go to those who did not need a deadline in order to demonstrate their commitment to the kingdom of God.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai has decreed that anyone who desires to see eternity must do eternally, and always, only what the Lord God Almighty commands them to do. If they do, even intermittently, what the devil commands them to do, they will not see eternity until their hearts have become singleminded in its devotion. If your heart is not yet singleminded in its devotion, you have no place in God’s kingdom as of June 15, 2018, and you will have until then to become singleminded.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai I know that like me, many of you will be waiting for one of our upcoming blockbusters with unrestrained enthusiasm. It is titled, "I Am Eve" and is written by Eve, Wife Of Adam. See the description of the author on our bookstore website at Our mother of creation has a lot to say to us about who we are, and why we should be headed back home, to Eden. View description HERE.
There is a movement underfoot that aims to quell the voices of those clamoring for the opportunity to enter into the kingdom of God. They claim that the kingdom of God is an aberration of epic proportions, to which 3.5 billion people already have fallen victim. They claim also that those who are not in the kingdom are the lucky ones.
If you believe them, then you should stop praying for God's kingdom to come. If you are not certain whom you should believe, pray in the spirit and ask the Lord God Almighty to open the ears of your heart and align them to his voice, so that your heart will obey only the voice of the Lord God Almighty. Pray also that your brain will submit to the Holy Spirit Of God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When Eden says its children are eternal, it only means they never have to die, unless they choose to do the things that call on death to enter them once more. They call on death only when they deliberately, and deliberately, and deliberately choose to violate commands of God Almighty.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai True deliverance is when you come to a place of peaceful co-existence with evil, such that it is not part of you, and has no impact whatsoever on your day-to-day actions and activities. Our newest book by R. Navarro titled Deliverance From Evil is the most compelling treatise on deliverance from every form of evil. If you are serious about your journey to eternity, you must not only read this book, you must keep it as a reference guide. I hope it saturates every corner of the globe. View it in our online bookstore at
The Lord God Almighty needs you to know that when you arrive at the point at which you are entirely cleansed of all of the filth that Satan has put into you, you will have become so powerful spiritually that the mere thought of committing any sin will cause you to run helter skelter in another direction. You will have come to understand that spiritual cleansing is an essential component of spiritual power, and the more cleansed you are, the more powerful you will become.
When you come to the point at which you are completely cleansed of everything that is of the devil, your body will begin to heal, your mental health will stabilize, and you will begin to learn how to exercise true spiritual power. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Better late than never is not a phrase that you want associated with being sealed and raptured into God's millennial kingdom, nor is it a phrase you want associated with your journey to eternity. If you are considering getting sealed and raptured, do it today.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty was surprised that so many individuals chose to forfeit their relationship with him in exchange for Satan's lie. As did the king of Salem, Satan offered them wealth and prestige in exchange for the lives of the people they serve. They accepted. Only time will tell whether the people they serve will sit silently and allow their souls to be auctioned off to the highest bidder, or whether they will rebel against the misuse of authority, and the propitiation of greed.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty knows how it feels to be bitten by the love bug. When he created the first human body billions of years ago, he fell in love at first glance. He knew that he had a winning design, and a coveted heart that was full of love. When the Father in heaven, El Elohim, planted man on planet earth six thousand years ago, he used El Shaddai's design, but he wanted man to have a heart that was free to love, or not love. Love that is free is unlike any other emotion. It exacts a fierce price, but one that is well worth every sacrifice made, and every pain endured.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When a day of reckoning arrives, few people are prepared for it. They usually are in a state of denial about their spiritual status. Very often, they will refute any attempts to tell them about their spiritual condition until they are faced with the dire circumstances.
If you are being told something about your spiritual condition, you have nothing to lose by remaining humble, listening to what is being said, and perhaps even implementing the advice. If you fail to do so, it may be impossible for you to change course when the day of reckoning arrives. You may have sealed your fate, and blocked your ability to connect with God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty needs the world to know that whether or not you choose to be in his kingdom, you can have a peaceful coexistence during the next one thousand years of Jesus' millennial reign. You can reap the benefits of an earth that exists and thrives in the manner in which God intended. You can live for much longer than you ordinarily would have lived, and in a much healthier state. You can even have jobs if the Lord God Almighty determines you could have it.
The one major difference that will distinguish those in the kingdom of God and those outside of the kingdom is that the members of God's kingdom will all be raptured into both the millennial kingdom and the eternal kingdom of El Shaddai. Those who are outside of the millennial kingdom have no chance of being raptured into the eternal kingdom unless they have been filled with the Holy Spirit and sealed for eternity. Each person must make the decision independently of others, and they should know that even a spouse cannot get them entrance to the eternal kingdom if they have not been filled with the Holy Spirit and sealed for eternity. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty insists that you choose now whom you will serve. You cannot wait for a future time to determine whether or not you will participate in building the kingdom of God. If you have decided that you need to see Jesus before you commit to the kingdom of God, then you have decided to remove yourself from the kingdom. Each day, missions related to the kingdom of God should be starting, but are not being started because someone is waiting to see what will happen tomorrow.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai For most people, prophecy is a topic to be avoided. For others, it is a topic so mired in mystery that it should be avoided. For still others, a relatively small minority, it is a topic of profound depth. To them, it reveals the thoughts of God, as well as his plans and purposes for his kingdom and for the world. Prophecy reveals that when Jesus is about to be revealed, God Almighty will need to cleanse the earth and 200,000 people, those most opposed to Jesus' millennial reign, will have to be removed from the earth. Are you opposed to his reign?
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When it comes to discipleship, there is always room for raising the standard to a higher level. There is always something more that can be done to declare God's praises more passionately, more deliberately, and more frequently. God delights in his saints when they devote their days and nights to discovering new ways in which to introduce him to the world.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai What do you think would happen if you decided that as of this coming Sunday, you are going to raise the standard of discipleship in your church, in your congregation, or in your family. Decide that anyone and everyone who desires to be rebaptized in order to renew their vows to God can and should do so, especially if they now have a new and deeper understanding of their faith. Decide that everyone who desires to do so should seek a one-on-one discipleship discussion with at least one person who will tell them the truth about what they can and should change in order to become more aligned with God. Decide that if Jesus were to be revealed tomorrow, or next Monday, your spiritual light will be shining so brightly that you could not possibly be left out of the kingdom of God. Finally, decide that nothing in all creation can stop you from seeing God's eternal kingdom.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Having a serendipitous experience is probably something that everyone has had at one point or another. When it happens, it usually takes you by surprise, because it is not planned. Nor is it ever negative. When you encounter Jesus physically, it will be a serendipitous experience.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you don't like the nature of current events, you can seek to amend the headlines. Amending the headlines in the news is an impossibility. However, amending the headlines in your life is always possible, and necessary. Which headline do you most need to amend? Pray in the language of the spirit that it will be amended now. Pray until your heart is emptied of things to say.
In case you wish to know, even if you haven't asked, I travel with blinders on, and ear plugs, holding on with the grip of life to the Holy Spirit Of God, lest I betray the people of God by turning in the wrong direction, having been enticed by any aspect of our world. How do you travel?
December 2020