Whether or not you believe in ghosts, they do indeed exist. Whether or not you believe in God, he does in fact exist. Few people would question the existence of Satan, but when asked about God, they will claim that he is a force that does not exist in reality. They also will claim that no one has ever seen God, so that the contention that we have seen the Messiah falls on deaf ears. The truth is that no one has ever seen the Lord God Almighty, but we know that the Messiah was seen during the first century, and he has been seen in physical form today.
If you wish to see the Messiah spiritually, and you are part of his millennial kingdom, close your eyes and look into the ether of heaven. You will see him as he is, clothed in a sparkling white robe. His robe is white because he is sinless, having never violated the laws of the universe. There is nothing to be cleansed from his spirit, nothing for which he needs forgiveness, nothing that should have visited upon him the reward of death, nothing for which he should be denied the right to see eternity. His robe is white. Is your robe white? You can ensure that it becomes white if you pray in the language of the spirit, from the heart. Pray now in the language of the spirit, and ask the Lord God Almighty to cleanse and whiten your robe, not the one given to you by the Christ, but the one you deserve to wear. Will your robe be white when you enter into eternity? By when will your robe be white? By when will your robe be sparkling white? The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
When a woman gets married under Muslim tradition, she is in effect becoming one with her husband. She is saying to him "I want to become so one with you, that we can never ever be separated." She also is saying that she will now be his helper for all eternity, and all eternities, and all eternities combined. She knows that they can never ever be separated, any more than one can separate two jugs of water that have been combined. They are one eternally, and forevermore.
They are in the ether as one heart, they are in the realm of the spirit as one mind, they are in eternity as one soul, and they are in the earth as one body, existing in two separate spirits. There is never a place for divorce in Muslim tradition, only an increasing oneness, a perpetuation of selflessness. Nor is there even a thought of divorce, any more than one can consider separating the two jugs of water. The oneness is irreversible, undeniable, and indefatigable. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you missed yesterday's Blog post titled Son Of God on http://www.RebekahIsaac.info, then you probably have no idea what will happen on July 28 in the year 3018. Read the post now, and be well informed, lest you should miss the chance to enter into eternity, or the opportunity to see the face of the Lord God Almighty, or the chance to enter onto the new earth.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Saturday, July 28, 2018 has been noted as one of the most memorable days in spirituality. It often is a day when kings and queens of heaven ascend to their throne, and when the ether of heaven can either separate and divide, bring together in unity, or keep in step with the status quo. It is a day when God Almighty descends from his throne and visits with the gods of heaven, and when the ethers of all the universes come into alignment with the Lord God Almighty.
The earth's ether has been misaligned for the past six thousand years, in part because the devil decreed that no ether on earth shall automatically seek to be realigned with the Lord God Almighty, or with any other universe, and that the decree shall remain in force unless and until he falls asleep for a thousand years. Six thousand years is a long time to remain misaligned, and can result in the earth becoming permanently cratered. The Lord God Almighty has determined that at the conclusion of Jesus' millennial reign, the current earth will need to be destroyed, and a new earth created in its place. When the current earth is destroyed a thousand years from now, the only people who will be able to enter it are those who are members of Jesus' millennial kingdom, those who are members of God Almighty's eternal kingdom, and those in heaven who chose not to return to the earth during Jesus' millennial reign. The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth will return the keys to the kingdom to the Lord God Father in Heaven, who will settle the debt owed to Satan by marking it "Paid In Full." The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Lord God Almighty decrees that something should happen at a certain time, the devil and his emissaries commence a plan of action to wreak havoc, so as to disrupt the timeline. If and when they succeed, it always is because we gave in to fear, and failed to proceed as God commanded.
God always has a backup plan, and if we choose to confess our sin and turn back to him, he always will reassert his decree in our favor, and will enable us to receive its benefits. God's decrees always are contingent upon our having faith in him, and in his power to release us from bondage to Satan. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the ether determines that a plant should grow down instead of up, it creates a plant that has no trunk, but merely leaves growing off of a soft branch. Similarly, when the devil seeks to dehumanize God's creation, he destroys their spinal column in three principal ways. First, he injects the spine with spirits of fear and trepidation that cause the person to be emotionally weak and ineffective. Second, he injects fear itself into the heart, which then causes the spinal column to become weak.
Third, he injects the spirit of death into the spinal column, which causes it to begin to disintegrate spiritually and physically. Every sperm that enters into the human body through the rectum is destined to die and can never bring forth life, whether the recipient is a man or a woman. Therefore, the ether in the colon covers over the sperm as soon as it enters, and renders it infertile. When sperm is repeatedly rendered infertile, it changes the ether of the surrounding tissue, and depletes its energy. When the energy of tissue is depleted, and continues to be depleted on a regular basis, it eventually becomes compromised, and ultimately compromises the entire body. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Lord God Almighty says that something will happen, you have to believe it will happen, otherwise the ether in your body will block its manifestation. Ether blocks are the most difficult to remove of any obstacle because they frequently are linked to a mind that is saturated with fear. Fear is a blocker of the highest magnitude. It grips all the surrounding ether and prevents the flow that is necessary to manifestation. When that flow is blocked, life is at a standstill, and nothing happens as it should.
The most powerful methodology for removing an ether block is to tell the mind to remove every spirit of fear that is connected to the ether. When the mind chooses to release the fear, nothing in all creation will be able to block the avalanche of God's provision. The ether never releases a block that is empowered by a mind with the grip of death. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When our hearts are defiant towards God, they gradually become calloused and lose their sense of compassion for our fellow human beings. They become brittle, easily broken, and diseased. They also become out of alignment with God, and with his plan for our lives. Most significantly, when our hearts are calloused and unfeeling, we also begin to lose connection to our humanity.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When you are in the kingdom of God and you desire to see something manifest, just ask the Lord and he will manifest it, either through you, or through someone else. He will manifest it so that the problem you see or encounter is completely obliterated. The Lord God Almighty desires to fulfill the desire of every heart who is in the kingdom of God.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the ether determines that a child of God is being assaulted with Directed Energy Weapons, he shall instantly notify the Lord God Almighty of the circumstances, and the Lord God Almighty shall determine whether the perpetrator should be removed from his lifeline connection to God. If he is removed from his lifeline connection to God, the Lord God Almighty will no longer hear his voice, nor will he ever speak to him. The Lord God Almighty also will bar him from communicating with any of the children of God either in person, through the ether, or in the realm of the spirit. If a child of God continues to communicate with them, they shall be removed from the kingdom of God until the communication stops. This process will be repeated as many times as necessary.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When someone announces their wedding, the world or the people in their universe of friends and acquaintances begin to prepare. They try to locate the perfect dress and the perfect pair of shoes, as well as the perfect gift for the bride and groom. When the Lord God Almighty is married, he will give gifts, not receive them. Similarly, when the Lord God Father in Heaven gets married, he also will give and not receive gifts. He will give gifts through the Holy Spirit Of God, so that each person has the tools they need to function in the kingdom, and to perform their assigned tasks. If you have been invited to the wedding supper, you should ask the Lord God Almighty to tell you your role in the kingdom of God, then expect to receive all the spiritual tools necessary to perform and function. The Lord God Almighty is a God of provision.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Living peaceably with others is not something that the average human being can accomplish. We want others to do things our way, we want them to think as we think, and to act as we do. If they fail to do so, we often begin to engage in hate speech and other forms of oppressive behavior. God wants us to understand life from the perspective of every human being. He wants us to peacefully coexist with others. Although the demons who are aligned with Satan will not have the energy necessary to survive on the planet during Jesus' millennial reign, others will be living on the earth who have not necessarily aligned with God. We should offer them due respect, and the freedom to choose whom they will serve.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the ether determines that someone must do something by a certain deadline, it means that there always will be repercussions for their failure to do so. Other factors that relied on the deadline also will be impacted. When the Lord God Almighty stated that April 19 was the deadline for becoming aligned with him, he meant it. Everyone who aligned with him at a later date now has a weaker aura than they would have had on or before April 19. This is because the ether is now much thinner than it was on April 19, which means that it will be much easier for you to get sucked out of the kingdom if you fail to repent of all unrighteousness.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Lord God Almighty decrees that those who belong to Satan should no longer be given a lifeline to heaven, then unless the devil gives them life, they can no longer live, nor can they remain in the earth for an extended period. They will begin to blanket the earth, and the authorities should know that they must begin to prepare for this circumstance, and create specifically designed disaster plans, or utilize the disaster plans that were created when the devil was of the view that it was God's people who must be killed in order to cleanse the earth. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth, of justice, and of peace.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Thanking someone for something they did is a common practice in most countries, and the vast majority of people know no resistance to giving thanks. When you give thanks, ask the Lord God Almighty to show you how you should thank the person. Giving thanks is not only about the words you speak, but also about the methodology you use to give thanks, and the repercussions of your using that methodology.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty has fulfilled his promise, and yesterday twenty-two million people of every race, creed, and religion were betrothed to him through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and because of their faith in the Messiah, Jesus Of Nazareth, and their love for God the Father in Heaven, El Elohim. You will know that you were betrothed if, when you look into the ether in the realm of the spirit, you are wearing what appears to be a white robe, similar to the white robes described in Revelation 7:9-17. The Lord God Almighty is a God who keeps his promises.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty knows that when the ether has abandoned a cause, he never returns to it. He knows also that the ether must be coaxed into keeping pace with the times, and must be told how to accomplish certain tasks. If you are seeking assistance from the ether, be certain to tell him everything you know about the circumstances. He will appreciate having a bird's eye view of your dilemma, and is likely to reach a speedier resolution.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai There are times when saying the right thing is appropriate, and times when it is better to remain silent. Silence is more appropriate when the ether states that the emotions are too raw to submit to reason. That was the situation today as I listened to a comment made by someone whose every instinct was to flee. That is what we do when the situation is too painful to examine from the point of view of reason.
When your instinct says "run" there are some who would say that the better option is to stop and examine the circumstances. There are others who would say that to run is the best option. I say that if the devil tells you to run, you need to stop. When the desire to run is mixed with unforgiveness, or any of the negative emotions, that is a clear sign that the desire was placed in your heart by the devil. If the desire to run is based on informed decision-making, that also is a sure sign that the desire was placed in your heart by the devil. Only when you have sought the advice and counsel of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God can you genuinely claim to be making a Godly decision. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the ether states that the time has come to render unto God what is God's, there is nothing that can replace that edict, nor prevent it from being fulfilled, nor stop its progression. The only option is to render unto God what belongs to God, whether it be a physical object, a kingdom, a relationship, or a future. For both the spiritual and the physical Messiah, the time is now to render unto them what belongs to them.
For the spiritual Messiah, the Lord God Father in Heaven, the time has come to embrace his stalwart and self-effacing sacrifice, and to end his troubled dichotomy. For the physical Messiah, the time has come to start the celebration of his reign. The Lord God Messiahs are the Lord God of Heaven, and the Lord God of the Earth. They will reign as one, until heaven and earth become one. They will reign as one, until we arrive at the gates to eternity at the conclusion of this millennium, and they will take us into the next eternity. They will reign as one, until they hand the kingdom over to the Lord God Almighty, and he himself comes to live in the earth. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty, the ether in our bodies, needs to be cleansed in preparation for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. When the Lord God Almighty issues the call, the twenty-two million who have been invited to the Wedding Supper must come into the ether to pray in the language of the Holy Spirit Of God. It is during that prayer that the Wedding Supper will take place so that all may be fed spiritually. The Lord God Almighty is a God of infinite supply, limitless provision, and never-ending courses of joy. The Lord God Almighty is a God who keeps his promises.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai El Shaddai, the God of all the universes, has now determined that the Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth will not be revealed until the Lamb of God has become one with his bride, until the Lamb of God has wedded, not only spiritually, but also physically and emotionally. They are one spiritually when the Lord God Almighty proclaims them husband and wife in the realm of the spirit. They are wedded physically when the priest chosen by God Almighty proclaims them to be husband and wife. They are wedded emotionally when they are both in love with each other.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Jesus Of Nazareth will be revealed when the ether determines that he has brought a sufficient number of people into the earth realm. Many people are needed in order to properly establish the kingdom of God. Many more will be needed in the years to come. To the extent that the people on the earth have become engrossed with personal matters, he must bring in others who are willing to plug the gap. Queen Elizabeth I will be back, as will Saint Philip of Georgia, and many others, including many from the Roman Empire, as well as many Jews. Will you be among the called and the chosen?
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When women achieve a physical status that is commensurate with their level of spiritual maturity, the world will be one step ahead of the devil and his cohorts, instead of ten steps behind them.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth, and when truth is revealed, the ether becomes intensely angry because he has become accustomed to hearing only lies, and lies can never be the key that opens Eden's gates, nor the gel that seals the fate of all who trust in God, nor the epicenter of the faith of those who heeded Eden's call, nor the culmination of the messages of hope and love and joy. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The law of the land are the promises of God, the decrees, and the Words of the Messiah, spoken by Messiah. The Lord God Almighty issues many decrees, each of which should be deemed Words of the Messiah. When the Word of God manifests, the Messiah is made known. When the Word of God is acknowledged, the Messiah has returned. When the Word of God is believed, the Messiah reigns.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
December 2020