Every day, there is something new happening in the kingdom of God. Every day, there are new revelations. Some individuals are lucky to be witness to these revelations, while others remain fixated on the ether of hell. If you are in the millennial kingdom of God, you should command your spirit to stop looking into the ether of hell. If you wish to see what God is doing in his kingdom, your spirit should be looking into the ether of the millennial kingdom of God.
The next time that you see evil happening to someone who is in the millennial kingdom of God, ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God to command your spirit to tell you in which ether he is looking. In all likelihood, he is looking into hell’s ether. Hell’s ether is hell’s wish list that can never happen unless the people of God approve it. The Lord God Almighty cautions that if you continue to approve hell’s wish list, eventually you will have approved it for yourself. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
Wherever you see individuals enjoying outdoor meals at newly established restaurants, you should know that it is only a matter of time before they are deemed to be victims of Covid-19, or one of the many other plagues and viruses being served at these restaurants. Many of them have been established for the specific purpose of delivering Covid-19 to their guests.
Newly established restaurants avoid the need to infiltrate the employee base of current restaurants. They operate with impunity because all of the cooks, the waiters, the waitresses, as well as other employees are demons. They do exactly what they are told to do, because they have no mind and no capacity to think and to reason. They all are controlled by demons in their solar plexus. In a year or two, the restaurants all will have fizzled, and you will be able to return to a state of normalcy. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you see something that does not accord with your view of God’s kingdom, or of how you believe it should function, you should say something in prayer to the Holy Spirit Of God. Then do something to remedy the problem by seeking advice from the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.uuuu
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you have ever seen an eagle fly, you have witnessed one of the beauties of nature. Eagles soar with such grace and elegance that you have no doubt that they were created by God. God’s people also should walk with grace and elegance. If your gait is not graceful, ask the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God what you should do. Do what he tells you, then ask again.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Speaking truth is the single most important quality of any person who is in the millennial kingdom of God. If you have any indication that any part of you is speaking or promoting lies or half truths, you have an obligation to remedy the problem instantaneously. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth. The Lord God Almighty is a God of absolute truth. The Lord God Almighty is a God of absolute, absolute, absolute truth.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Many people assume that if they merely think evil thoughts about someone, there is no sin involved, and no violation of God’s law. The opposite is true. Evil thoughts affect the ether in you, as well as the ether outside of you. They generate negative energy that can cause disastrous consequences, not only for the person who generated the thought, but also for the recipient of the thought.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty has decreed that if anyone issues a decree against Rebekah Isaac, or any person associated with the name, they shall be expelled from the millennial kingdom of God. Rebekah Isaac is the person responsible for having established the millennial kingdom of God. You cannot remain in the millennial kingdom if you surrender to greed, to envy, and to evil intent. Nor can you remain in the millennial kingdom if you harbor hatred in your heart.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Plastic coverings may be appropriate for food, however, it is very inappropriate for humans. If you are accustomed to having a plastic covering to protect you from evil, you may be surprised to discover that the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God creates a force field that is ten times more resistant to evil than any plastic covering. It also is fifteen times more durable, so that it never needs to be replaced. The Lord God Almighty is a God whose very presence is itself a force field.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are not yet sealed with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, you have no one to blame but yourself. Becoming sealed with God’s indwelling Holy Spirit is a free process that can be accomplished by calling on the Holy Spirit Of God who is over all the earth. You no longer need to be in direct contact with Rebekah Isaac in order to be sealed.
In the beginning of this process, she sealed individuals one at a time by literally showing them how to dive out of hell eight times, in the same manner that she had learnt from Elohim, the Lord God Father in Heaven. Elohim then gave her an initial list of names and told her to seal them in the specific order that he directed. She began by sealing the religious leaders of the seven churches in the Book of Revelation. They included the leaders of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Trinity Wall Street, and Marble Collegiate Church, all of which are in New York City. She then sealed political leaders, including President Obama. Later, all the Cardinals of the Catholic Church were sealed, thus fulfilling one of the major prophecies in Catholic history. Her power to seal increased, and she began to seal in small groups of less than eight people. Subsequently, several countries were sealed after Rebekah gained the power to seal through prayer. The countries included Japan, Israel, St. Vincent, Grenada, and others. They are countries that either had fulfilled certain spiritual obligations, or that cried out to God, asking for him to seal them. During this time, she sealed tens of thousands of other individuals through prayer. No other person was able to seal through prayer with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. Later still, others became sealed merely by speaking to her, shaking her hand, or walking past her in the street. She prayed tirelessly for countries and for individuals throughout the world. Now that the earth is full of the glory of God, Rebekah no longer needs to be in direct communication with you in order for you to be sealed with God’s indwelling Holy Spirt. You simply need to call on the Holy Spirit Of God who is over all the earth, speak in the language of the spirit, and focus your thoughts deep into the center of your chest (your solar plexus), asking him to seal you with God’s indwelling Holy Spirit. After the prayer, ask your spirit three times whether or not there is a light in your heart. He must respond “yes” three times. If there is, it means that you have become sealed. If there is still no light in your heart, it may be because you have spiritual contamination in your solar plexus, or elsewhere that is blocking your ability to become sealed. Call again on the Holy Spirit Of God who is over the earth, ask him to send your spirit into spiritual acid so that he can cleanse you to enable you to become sealed. Keep the focus in your solar plexus, and pray in the language of the spirit until your spirit has nothing further to say. Then pray again to be sealed, and repeat the process at the beginning of the previous paragraph. Unless you are firmly aligned with Satan, you have committed deliberate sins against one or more individuals who now is in the millennial kingdom of God, including rape and adultery, and/or you have one or more demons in your solar plexus, you should be able to become sealed with God’s indwelling Holy Spirit, and raptured into either his millennial kingdom, or his eternal kingdom. The Lord God Almighty is a God of life. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Peace be unto everyone who prayed for God’s millennial kingdom at any point in time. Prayer is the only means of achieving victory. If you assume that the things that are happening in the imillennial kingdom are happening automatically, you are very mistaken. Only through prayerful deliberation are the victories won. Only through fasting are the demons and the evil spirits set asunder. The Lord God Almighty is a God of prayerful deliberation. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Every day, the Lord God Almighty sees individuals who are sealed and raptured into his millennial kingdom, yet are consuming vast amounts of drugs and alcohol. The Lord God Almighty wants you to know that from an eternal perspective, your liver is the most important organ in your body. Drugs and alcohol severely impact the liver and its ability to function. If you take medication of any kind, now is the time to speak with a doctor or a pharmacist about what you can do to wean yourself off the medication.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are seeking advice from the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and his advice seems to be hateful, derogatory, full of fear, or if he asks you to do something that you would not want done to you, that is clear evidence that you have not connected to the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. You are undoubtedly speaking with a demonic spirit.
Advice from the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God will always be advice that is full of love, that gives joy, and that gives peace. If you would not want the same advice given to someone about you, it is almost guaranteed that you are not speaking with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. He resides deep in your solar plexus, not in your head. Focus deep within your solar plexus (the center of your chest) when you seek to speak with him. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almghty El Shaddai Being in the millennial kingdom of the Lord God Almighty means that you have been commissioned as a holy priesthood to declare the praises of God. It means that you seek to implement God’s vision of the millennial kingdom here on earth—a place of peace, of love, and of never-ending joy. It may take a few years before the fullest manifestation of God’s millennial kingdom becomes apparent. However, by the power of his indwelling Holy Spirit, you are guaranteed the victory. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty is true and he is faithful.
The Lord God Almghty El Shaddai Hell has decided that as of today, they no longer will permit the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai to write these Blogs. That is because the Blogs are uncovering the truth about the things that hell would prefer to keep confidential. Hell does not want the world to know that the antichrist died shortly after the Messiah arrived, when he sought to place his spirit in the solar plexus of Rebekah Isaac. The fire in her solar plexus was so intense that it resulted in his demise. They are now operating by using his disembodied spirit as a source of advice and leadership.
Hell also does not want you to know that Satan also is dead because he became weakened when he dared to walk within ten feet of Rebekah Isaac after she had told him to keep his distance. He became so weakened by her presence that the Lord God Messiah, Jesus Of Nazareth, was able to behead him. He died physically on that same day. Nor does hell want you to know that the Lord God Almighty is on the earth. They would prefer to have you believe that he is in a far away place, unseen and unknown. There is no place for the Lord God Almighty other than in the midst of this war. It is the spirit of the Lord God Almighty that will win this war against Satan and the powers of hell, despite the fact that Satan is scheduled to resurrect from the dead. When he does, in a thousand years at the conclusion of Jesus’ reign, the Lord God Messiah will deliver the final blow to his kingdom. You also can win this war, if you do what the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God tells you to do. Your battle is not against flesh and blood, because both Satan and the antichrist are now deceased. Your battle is against the rulers, the principalities, the demons, the evil spirits, and all of the implements of destruction that hell has unleashed. The Lord God Almighty is El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Being in the ether of heaven is not always a perfect situation. In the ether of heaven, you need to become aligned with God in order to have the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God guide you. If you are sealed, but not fully aligned, God’s spirit cannot provide perfect guidance. Instead, you may be obeying the commands of demonic spirits.
Pray that your ears and your spirit will hear only the voice of the Lord God Almighty. Pray for a full and complete alignment with the Lord God Almighty. Pray that when you seek to connect with the indwelling Holy Spirit of God, no other spirit will be able to intercept, or to respond. Pray to be full of the Holy Spirit Of God. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The single most egregious act that one can commit in the military is breaking rank. Breaking rank occurs when a junior officer skips ahead of his supervisor and seeks to report to a more senior officer. It results in a breakdown in the communication system, and creates havoc. There are many individuals in the millennial kingdom of God who have been seeking a private hearing with the Lord God Messiah, Jesus Of Nazareth, and/or with the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai. They not only are loaded down with sins, but also, they bring with them a contingent of demons who otherwise would be incapable of connecting with either the Lord God Messiah, or with the Lord God Almighty in their spiritual capacity.
You should know that when you seek to connect directly with the Messiah or with El Shaddai, the vast majority of the conversation is either distorted, misconstrued, or rendered deliberately false by the demons in tow. The entire conversation becomes a wasted effort. The Lord God Almighty wants to hear your thoughts and your concerns. The only means of legitimately communicating with him is through the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God. When you try to leapfrog over the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, you do yourself a disservice. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you feel as though the Lord God Almighty is calling you into battle, you are probably correct. However, you should know that the Lord God Almighty, and the Holy Spirit Of God would never call you to center stage, or to the front lines of the battle, unless Satan has already made you a target. You may not know that you have become a target, but the mere fact that God has called on you is evidence that it is time for you to wage war. Do what the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God tells you to do, and you are guaranteed to be victorious.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty knows that if you feel as though you are sandwiched and unable to move in any direction, it probably is because you are feeling helpless under the circumstances. Ask the Lord God Almighty to set you free. Ask him to show you the tiny window through which you can exit from the condition you are in. It will be a window that puts you in the place that God intended you should be. The Lord God Almighty is a God of freedom.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Laughing is good for the soul, because it cleanses the solar plexus and promotes healing.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai In the ether of heaven, there are many instances in which one person does something that causes another person to feel anguish, annoyance, or disappointment. If you are the person that is being affected, you have an obligation to communicate your emotions. In addition, you have an obligation to do everything necessary to address the problem.
If you are the person who is causing the problem, you have an obligation to fix it. You cannot drain the energy of the Holy Spirit from someone that you believe has too much energy. Nor can you continue to deliberately engage in the same behavior, without regard for the spiritual health of the other members of God’s kingdom. The Lord God Almighty is a God of peace. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If you are a member of a church that has lost a significant number of its members to Covid-19, you should consider joining another church, or starting one. No priest, pastor, or evangelist who has allowed his or her congregation to fall victim to Satan should continue to preach.
There are many churches throughout the world in which everyone is properly sealed with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, and raptured into God’s millennial kingdom, or into his eternal kingdom, and none of the members died from Covid-19. If your priest or your pastor does not hear the voice of God, and/or is not obedient to the voice, you are in grave danger. The Lord God Almighty speaks in such a way that anyone who seeks truth will hear him. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Many people who have been reading these Blogs and applying the precepts and practices are discovering that their life is changing dramatically. If you are one of them, you might acknowledge that you no longer are thinking of retirement and of succession planning. Instead, you are planning to launch a new career.
You know that your finances will last for another four or five years, but you now need them to multiply for a thousand years. You have never been more energized and more youthful than you are now, and you are committed to never looking your age during the next one thousand years. That you are in the millennial kingdom of God does not mean that each of your relationships with others in the kingdom will be perfect. Everyone is, and will likely remain, at different spiritual levels for a very long time. Together with the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, you must choose with whom you will connect most strongly as you move forward. There are five characteristics of the spirits with whom you should be most closely associated. They always will give you full approbation. They will never slander you or gossip about you. They always will seek and endeavor to do anything and everything that they tell you they will do, whether the promise is made in person, on the telephone, or through the ether. They will never stop you from achieving a goal that you desire to have, as long as it accords with God’s will and purpose. They love God deeply, and therefore, they can love you unconditionally. If you can identify at least five individuals who fit within these categories, you will have a pleasant journey ahead. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Peaceable assembly means assembly that is well planned, and executed without intended violence to person or to property. However, if you are participating in a peaceful protest and you are physically attacked by demonized forces, you have an obligation to engage in self-defense and other defensive tactics. You cannot demand that others “turn the other cheek” and allow themselves to be brutalized under the pretext of peaceful protest, or peaceful assembly. Nor can you allow the name of Christ to be decimated.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai If everyone who sees a relative doing something odd in the ether of heaven speaks to them or confronts them, virtually no children of God would become a victim to evil. The ether of heaven is directly in front of you. In order to see the ether of hell, you have to look down into hell. If you refuse to look down into hell’s ether, hell would have no approbation, and no power.
Most individuals assume that whatever they see in the ether of hell is destined to happen, but that is far from truth. Hell is merely seeking to have you agree with them, so that they can manifest the problem they are seeking to manifest. They can never manifest without the agreement of someone in heaven. Evil thus requires heaven’s approval in order for it to exist. When evil exists in heaven, any child of God who is sealed and raptured can condemn it. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddsi |
December 2020