Whenever someone achieves a state of awareness in which they are required to operate on a higher plane of existence, they almost always are required to leave behind a part of themselves. On some planes of existence, any individual who dares to operate on that level must cleanse themselves of the ether of hate, otherwise, the energy of hate can cause them to experience multiple physical ailments, including liver disease and a compromised immune system.
On other planes of existence, individuals who dare to operate on that level must cleanse themselves of the ether of greed, otherwise they can experience catastrophic events. On yet another plane of existence, enmity with God can lead to injuries and accidents. Anything that is of a negative nature can be reversed, if the ether is thoroughly cleansed. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
The Lord God Almighty is a God of indefatigable compassion, and irrepressible loathing for sinful thoughts and actions, especially when done with knowledge of their sinful nature. If you know that something is sinful, you should not deliberately and repeatedly engage in it in order to test the Lord God Almighty's resolve to keep you safe in the kingdom of God. The Lord God Almighty will never condone deliberate sins, nor will he ever tolerate a flat refusal to repent of faithless thoughts and actions.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth who does not condone anything other than absolute truth in every aspect of every relationship, and in every aspect of every business dealing.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Mundane events are generally those events that have no effect on the ether of heaven. They also cause very little or no effect on the earth's ether. When you need results, you need to cause more than a tiny ripple in the ether. Speak in the language of the spirit from the heart, and cause the ether to convulse with the force of the words spoken.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the ether has become so corrupted that it must be destroyed, then the Lord God Almighty knows that it cannot be the ether that he created, and that there must have been a corruption so intense that even its core fell victim to the corruption. When the core is corrupted, there is no cure, and destruction is the only remedy. The Lord God Almighty warns that if you accept into your solar plexus (your core) any spirit other than "the Holy Spirit Of God" you will become eternally corrupted, and definitively slated for destruction. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty has indicated that when two people are in love, they should be married. That does not mean, however, that they should rush headlong into a marriage in which the relationship has not yet ripened. The relationship has ripened if both parties can acknowledge that God Almighty is their Supreme Commander, and the Supreme Holy Spirit Of God is their constant guide and companion, always has the final word, is never disobeyed, can never be quelched, and can never be forgotten.
It sometimes takes months, or years in order for a relationship to ripen into a fulfilling marriage, even if the parties are fully committed to each other, and even when they know that the relationship is from God. The Lord God Almighty will never force two people into a relationship who are strangers to each other. Nor will he ever insist that the relationship be consummated on the wedding night. The indwelling Holy Spirit Of God is the only one who should determine when a marriage takes place, when it is consummated, where the couple should live and work, whether or not they should have children, how many children they should have, and ultimately, who should be in charge of which aspects of the family relationship. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Mighty men of God know the joy of victory, and the agony of defeat. They also know when to cut their losses, and to accept the victory that is before them. We need the earth to be full of the knowledge of God, and we need the people of God to be full of wisdom, and yearning for righteousness. We are not yet there, and we may not be there for another ten years or more, but that should not stop us from celebrating. Let us charge the ether with the obligation to spread the joy of victory, even as our opponents know the agony of defeat.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The ether has determined that whenever the Lord God Almighty decides, he will envelop the children of God's kingdom with an ether of peace. One does not automatically feel peace merely because the kingdom has started, or because Jesus has taken the throne as King of the earth, or because El Shaddai has approved his reign and anointed him. One feels peace if the ether that surrounds you is one of peace and tranquility.
When the ether that surrounds you is one of peace and tranquility, your body will begin to resonate at that same level of peace, and will release all of its tensions. The Lord God Almighty is a God of peace. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth. The Lord God Almighty is a God whose words will always manifest in and through the ether. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty has never seen the Messiah, Jesus Of Nazareth, who was to be called Immanuel, until today when he met him for the first time. The kingdom of heaven is forcefully advancing, and when the time comes for all of humanity to meet him, all will be astounded that the God of the Bible is real, is living, and is eternal. The Lord God Almighty is a God of truth.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When Eden walks the walk and talks the talk, the life of discipleship will have come full circle, and the ether will know that nothing is impossible with God, and that God never fails in his missions, or stops to rethink and recalibrate his decisions.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Beckoning the nightfall is not a common endeavor, unless the daytime has become so burdensome that the darkness of the night is far more pleasurable by comparison. Despite the fact that Jesus has taken the throne, there is much fixing that needs to take place in the kingdom of God, much more repentance, and much more growth. Were we to arrive at eternity's gates in our current condition, eternity would blush with embarrassment that we thought ourselves worthy of entering through its gates. And therefore, the night must fall.
"We" is the most appropriate terminology because the Lord God Almighty must himself take the members of the kingdom through those gates, and if they are unable to enter, he too must remain outside. The gates to eternity will open for some, or for none. The Lord God Almighty must himself enter through eternity's gates. Eternity will open for "some" or for none. The Lord God Almighty will ensure that at least some can enter. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty knows that when the universe was formed, it was formed by virtue of the power of the Holy Spirit Of God. When the earth's atmosphere was created, it was the Holy Spirit who created it. When life began, it began by the power of the Holy Spirit Of God. There is nothing that has been created that does not owe its existence to the Holy Spirit Of God, and to the power of Almighty God. The Lord God Almighty is the Creator of all that exists, and all that will exist until the end of all eternity.
When the Garden of Eden was created, it was God who created it, and Eden now has an opportunity to choose whom it will obey, the Lord God Almighty and the Holy Spirit Of God or Satan. If Eden chooses to obey Satan, it will instantly become subject to all manner of evil. If it chooses to obey God and the Holy Spirit Of God, it will instantly receive the key to eternal life. It may not arrive there for a thousand years, but it will have a compass and a road map that, if faithfully followed, will guarantee its arrival at eternity's gates. Eternity will welcome every faithful traveler who knocks on its gates, is wearing garments of brilliant white, and has a golden heart. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty is a God of provision. If he does not provide, it is because he is not clear about the need. When he becomes clear about the need, he always provides. Speak to the Lord God Almighty with joy in your heart, and with anticipation, not with longing and regret. If you speak to him with anger in your heart, with indignation, and with cursing and slander, you cannot hope to receive from him the things you ask for, nor can you expect him to be listening.
If you speak to him with fear of retribution, you also cannot hope to receive the things for which you ask. Finally, if you are connected to an ether of despair, it will block God's ability to provide. Do all of the things that God asks you to do in the Scriptures, then expect that every one of his promises will manifest, even when the devil seeks to delay the manifestation, even when the children of God disobey his commands, and even when all of hell comes against you. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai When the Lord God Almighty comes to the Big Apple, New York CIty's nickname, he will stand at the top of the Empire State Building and declare to all the world that Jesus is King of all the earth.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Having an ether tumor in the stomach or in any other part of the body is not sufficient reason to have surgical intervention. Many people become frantic if they see what appears to be a tumor in the ether, and they quickly run to the doctor. There are few, if any, doctors who will offer anything other than the standard treatment. If you know that you will not accept the standard treatment, then you have no reason to visit the doctor.
Instead, show your stomach on an ether wall, and command the ether to magnify it so that you can see clearly. Compare the image with the normal stomach of a friend or family member. Pray in the language of the spirit and from the heart, until the stomach area is milky white, and is no longer grey or black in color. When you know that your God is a healer, you can never be afraid of any illness or its consequences. When you know that your God is faithful, you will never have reason to be fearful. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim It seems that trees were designed by God in part to keep the level of radioactivity at a safe level in the ether. Whenever, the levels rises to dangerous heights, trees will do their part to advance the kingdom of God in the earth. I never thought of trees as being willing to help us humans, but they are. If you have something that has poisoned your system, and that has become one with you, but is detrimental to your health and well-being, ask a tree to remove it from you. Hug the tree, pressing your body against its trunk, and pray in the spirit. I guarantee you will be healed in five seconds flat, and that the tree would be just as healthy as it was before you hugged it.
The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim When the ether is concerned about the health of the kingdom of God, there is much anxiety that cannot be dissipated. One feels the tension, yet there is not much that can be done to relieve it. The Lord God Almighty knows that the kingdom is not yet perfect, and that it must quickly be perfected lest the children of God begin to lose hope. But it is the children of God who must perfect the kingdom, it is they who must rebuild the gates, and redeem the land.
They have been led to believe by Satan himself that when the kingdom arrives, it will instantly perfect the world, and make right everything that was wrong. But the Lord God Almighty is not a God of compulsion, he is a God of free will. He is a God who will allow you to pick and choose which aspects of the kingdom you will or will not support and help to build, but who hopes that you will accept his entire blueprint, confident in your need for God's perfection. He is a God who trusts that when the need is present, assistance will manifest at just the right timing. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty has never issued a decree that I have not obeyed, except the one time that I cajoled him into joining me in issuing a decree that countermanded a prior decree he had issued. I wanted to do things my way, and he succumbed to the pressure, not willingly, but out of a desire for me to be happy. He knew that his decree was shocking to my sensibilities, and he did not want me to lose hope. So he joined me in a decree that I could not possibly have obeyed, because it depended on someone else's agreement.
I assumed that I could simply issue a decree and have it be obeyed by someone whose only God is the Holy Spirit Of God. Now I know that when I marry my wife, she will make it abundantly clear that she serves only one God, and that is the Supreme Holy Spirit Of God, manifesting as the Lord God Almighty, El Shaddai. The Lord God Almighty would like me to know that a marriage between a man and a woman cannot see eternity unless they both serve the same God, the Lord God Almighty, El Shaddai. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim The Lord God Almighty has determined that the level of sin and rebellion in the earth is so prohibitively high that the Lord God Father in Heaven cannot be in the earth as a God, lest the entire earth be destroyed, and therefore, he must allow Jesus Of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit Of God to subdue the earth, and to prepare it for eternity. The Supreme Holy Spirit Of God and the Lord God Father in Heaven are two separate people who need the people of the earth to understand that God is one, and they are merely iterations of the one God, the Lord God Almighty El Shaddai, the God of all the universes.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty has decreed that when the ether is ablaze with sin, the people of the kingdom of God must remain indoors and pray, because ether blasts can cause injury to their ether shield, which is the wall of protection around the human body. If you are subject to an ether flare, the shield may become torn and cause you to become vulnerable to demonic assaults.
Whether or not you are in the kingdom of God is irrelevant when it comes to God's decrees, because if you are on the earth, you have an obligation to live by the rules and dictates of the kingdom of God. This is true for every person born of God, even if they have chosen to align with the devil. The Lord God Almighty will determine the extent to which they will be held accountable for following his decrees, and the extent to which they will be required to align with him. In fact, when the Lord God Almighty issues decrees, we should not assume that because they are directed at one person, they do not relate to us. We should assume that every general decree relates to every member of God's kingdom, and that every member will be held accountable for it, whether or not they read this Blog, or any other related Blog, and whether or not God specifically calls them to account. The Lord God Almighty is a God of faith, truth, and majesty. The Lord God Father in Heaven, El Elohim Let God be true and every man a liar. Let God be love and every man and woman in the kingdom be love. Let God be faith, and every man and woman in the kingdom of God be of faith. Let every truth be told, let every illness be healed, and let every faithless act of betrayal be forgiven.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai Whether or not you subscribe to the idea that the Lord God Almighty is a force, you should know that he is a force to be reckoned with when the time comes to protect his kingdom, and the people of his kingdom. He does not tolerate anything that would cause them to be fearful, to be in pain, or to compromise their faith to any degree. He also does not tolerate any attempt to deliver to them less than he promised, nor any season of despair, nor any perpetuation of the status quo of evil intent, nor any random acts of violence directed at them.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Jesus Of Nazareth has now been on the throne for three days and already, Satan has taken the life of more than two hundred thousand people who could have been sealed and raptured into either the millennial kingdom, or the eternal kingdom of God. When the Lord God Almighty sees that even now, people are continuing to doubt Jesus' return, and priests and pastors who are sealed and raptured continue to deny the same to their congregations, the Lord God Almighty will once again decree that if they refuse to seal their congregations, they themselves will become unsealed.
If you don't know how to seal your congregation, you can learn in five seconds or less. If you are unable to seal them because you have become aligned with the devil, you can ask another priest, pastor, or member of the congregation to seal them. If there is no one in your congregation who is able to seal, you can ask Rebekah Isaac, God's Woman of Revelation, to come to your congregation and seal them. She will travel at your expense. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty seeks to establish that the ether is not the ether he created, nor is it the ether that he ever thought would exist on the earth. The ether he created was infinitely capable of manifesting even a Jaguar automobile, if you desired one. Even the ether of Eden could not compare to the original ether.
You may not understand how the ether could manifest in an instant something as complex as an automobile, however, everything that now exists on earth either existed or could have existed in the original ether, and would have taken significantly less time to create. That is because the mind of humanity was like a laser beam that could carve out of the ether anything it desired, regardless of its degree of complexity. The mind of humanity is what needs to be restored, because when the mind is restored, the ether is restored, and when the ether is restored, the unimaginable happens. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai The Lord God Almighty has decreed that when the ether in the body is cleansed, there will be no more pain. As long as you are in pain, you should continue to cleanse the area of the body in which you are experiencing pain by "shamrocking" it. You can do so by saying "shamrock" to the area until there is no longer any reaction in the ether, or by asking the Lord God Almighty to "shamrock" the area of the pain. You also can make the sign of the cross on it.
The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai |
December 2020