When you are in a situation that requires you to achieve certain goals, you often speak of having gained traction, in that you are achieving your goals in certain critical areas. In the kingdom of God, there are two means of measuring traction. First, one must gain traction spiritually or in the spirit realm, and second, one must gain traction physically or in the physical realm.
When traction exists only in the spirit realm, it signals that the individuals who have benefited spiritually are not yet convinced that they also will benefit physically, and instead, they adopt a "wait and see" attitude for as long as they are able to do so without being challenged to commit themselves to the cause. If you are in a "wait and see" mode, it is time to commit yourself to the cause physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Do so now; commit for all eternity. The Lord God Almighty El Shaddai
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December 2020